Monday, February 25, 2013

Crossfit: 02/25/13

I went for a run, did some plyos and ran some sprints in anticipation of the second Rumble tryout.  Maybe I'll write a post about my decision to play with the MLU.  It wasn't just to get a sweet one pager on the website. Well it wasn't 100% about getting a sweet one pager.

I saw a sweet crossfit workout and I jumped on it. Nice little 6 mile bike ride warm-up right into the real warm-up.  Then into a fun crossfit workout:

6 min AMRAP:
250m row
25 air squats

Then 25 pushups

We got rushed through this a little unceremoniously.  Actually it ended up sicking a little bit.  They cut us off after 3 reps rx'd.

Front squats: build up to 5 rep max
5 @ 205
5 @ 215  
5 @ 225: This was pretty clean, but I really had to dig deep for the last rep and I wasn't about to test my back

Front squat AMRAP: 2 X 2 minutes
2:00 22
2:00 16

10 RFT or 10 minutes: 10 knees to elbows; 6, 30 in box jumps
only got 7 reps done.  I wish I had partitioned the time better.  Get the knees to ee's in in 30 seconds and then bang out the box jumps.  I actually had trouble jumping down from the 30 in box and tended to step down instead.  Anyways, fun.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Gym: 02/20/13

I made the wonderful mistake of only packing my shoes for the gym.  Getting ready to ride a bike in the winter is extremely time consuming and anyone who knows me understands that any additional thing I need to remember in the morning has an exponentially negative effect on remembering everything else.  And it just takes a shit load of time to get ready.  I was at the gym and had already put my helmet, my neck warmer, my hat, my gloves, my reflector vest, my two jackets, my wallet, keys and phone in the locker when i realized i only had gym shoes, no gym clothes.  Everything back on, back to my bike, unlock both locks, head home to change and drive to the gym.  It was a long process, but lex was flying into JFK at 10:30 pm so I still had a good amount of time.

500 m row: Listen, I'd like to do something else as well, but there is no where to do anything worthwhile warmup wise in this place.  Give me some ideas.
1:38; I love these row machines cause you know where you are target time/RPMs at all times. 

Good mornings: Haven't done these in a while and my goal is to build up my spinal erectors over the next couple weeks
6 @ 115
6 @  125
6 @ 135

Front squat: Impromptu front squat cause it felt good to have the bar across my shoulders.
6 @ 135
6 @ 185
6 @ 225

Pendlay Row: Looked great for lower back and upper back strength

I need to record better. Not sure what I was doing.  Maybe (3) 8 @ 115

Medley: Not for time, three times through:
Bulgarian Split Squats; 8 @ 45 lb DBs
pull ups; 3 @ 45, 5 @ 0
DB shoulder press; 8 @ 45lb

Concluded with the hammer strength apparatus that mimics a muscle up and some knees to elbows and toes to bar.


I hate how the title looks with multiple dates hence the lack of them.  Big things go on here and I report on them all.

I was in Key West last week and I am not sure there is a single gym on the key.  They are weeks away from getting a crossfit gym which would have been a delight, but with nothing in place I made Dew.

Alexis' sister's boyfriend crafted a ring game with a carabiner, some sort of hook he found nailed up elsewhere on the deck and fishing wire. For many reasons I am including this pony-tail ridden video for reference:

Anyways ours was about double/triple that distance and the carabiner made it even more difficult.  Eventually we got tired of single shots so we made it continuous, like tether ball, where you get one touch to redirect the pendulating carabiner so that it ends up on the hook.  It was nearly impossible and we were betting reps of a certain exercise for every rep missed before hooking it.  After 103 he won the push up round and after 94 he won the squat round.  After 200 reps no one made the HSPU round so we split them (1 for every 5 = 20 each). Maybe it was the 100 pushups but I barely managed 12 HSPU.  Yuck.

The next day we went for a 5 mile run.  I haven't run that far since college. Halfway through we saw a guy reel in a baby hammerhead shark.  I wanted to take a bite to see if I could channel its shark power towards a successful 2.5 more miles of running, but he threw it back quickly and we were off. There was something about hitting the 2.5 mile mark that inspired me and I cruised back. 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Gym: 02/14/13

I am leaving for Key West on Friday morning, I haven't packed anything, I have a Valentines Day date with my sister at 8:15 pm (Lexi is in LA for work), but I really wanted to go to the gym after work.

500 m row? Why not?

I really wanted to recreate the crossfit workout from earlier this week but I was running out of time:
100 side to side jumps over a step up
30 DB cleans @ 45 lbs
30 burpees

Very difficult, but very awesome.  I finished two rounds, 100 side to sides, 10 cleans and 10 burpees.

1 min planks on small exercise ball. Much harder than doing it on the ground.

5 strict HSPU

1 min plank

5 HSPU with kip

Im out!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Yog: 02/13/13

The Tuesday workout really blocked my chi. Or whatever I did on Tuesday that made my legs feel like poo. I live a clean mile from a large swathe of turf fields, which is delightful for Brooklyn.  I jogged there, did an active, and messed around with some 20 yard back and forths, some accelerators, and some bounding. Then I ran the mile back home.  That's it!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Gym: 02/11/13

I had a rough PT visit early in the day.  I've been going to a wonderful physical therapist, but she is out of network and therefore pretty costly.  What percentage of physical therapists aren't worthy of treating athletes? And I am using athlete loosely because I am including myself in that category.  They talk to you for three minutes, take you through a routine they've done 100 times. Tuesday's PT person was above average. She tried to do massage, but she wasn't quite strong enough and she did local massage for maybe 10 minutes. She tried to stretch me out. Went ok, but I think she over stretched my back which left me pretty gimpy for the rest of the day. Anyways, I am going to go back to the original place despite the price because she is one of two people who have treated me right in the PT world. 

The NYC one:

The "Boston" one:

Despite feeling a little gimpy I worked out, but tried to take it easy:

warm up:
500 m of rowing

Back Squat:
5 @ 225
5 @ 225
5 @ 245
5 @ 245
3 @ 275

Weighted pull ups:
5 @ 25
5 @ 35
5 @ 35

One legged squats:
8 @ 0
6 @ 25
6 @ 35

db clean and jerk:
I read a crossfit workout and saw a doozy that I wanted to recreate at the gym:
run 800m, 30 DB cleans @ 45 lbs, 30 burpees
Shit.  That would have been brutal.  Burpees sometimes put my back in a compromising position so I just did the DB cleans, but I added a jerk.  Yikes.  That is a lot of weight.  The clean was pretty easy.  The jerk was brutal.  10, 10, 10. I really liked the doing this with the DBs.  I thought they allowed for more freedom in the clean where the bar limits your range of motion.  I will be doing it more often in the future.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Crossfit: 02/08/13

I picked the wrong footwear for a snowstorm that was important enough to name. But I ditched my wet suede shoes for some sneakers at a Crossfit gym that is two blocks away from the manhattan location of my new job. Pretty awesome, but kind of small. Lithe cancelled my workout at 5:15 but I was early enough to hop in on the 4:45 workout. That place must do incredible business if they are packing that place on the :15. Great workout though, which is why I was pumped to head in:
(3) 7 min AMRAP: 5 burpees, 10 plate raises (ground to overhead), 15 double unders

6, 5, 5

Really fun. I'm very conscious about tired double unders as a skill. 1st set I did all 6 sets unbroken. The second and third sets weren't so hot, but I finished my 5th set of the 3rd interval with an unbroken set. The Crossfit games start in a month or so and I'm out of practice on these long ones.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Gym: 02/05/13

Back to Bally's for another workout.  It's quite a luxury to have a full gym at my disposal.  For the last six months I've been limited to whatever crossfit workout I sign up for and what I can do in the park with a pull up bar and some tree stumps. Now I am at a gym with all sorts of stuff.  None of it is that good, but it's there. I am going to compete in the crossfit games this year so I am trying to get better at my weaknesses. There might be too many to count. My overhead pressing isn't good. I can only get a couple muscle ups in. My olympic lift numbers are real low and my cardio isn't great.  One step at a time.

500m row  (1:39)
50 double unders (25 unbroken, then like 10's)
500m row (1:34)
50 double unders (30 unbroken, then maybe 15 and 5)
500m row (1:42)
50 double unders (35 unbroken, 15...nailed it)

Hand stand push up practice:
11 unbroken, then 6, then I did wall walks.
I did the first 5 kind of strict.  Next time, I'll try to do all of them kipping. I really want to be able to to do a set of 21,15,9 in a decent time

Hanging clean:
I was fired up to do this despite the lack of bumper plates.  Also apparently you have to bring your own clips to this gym, but I helped a dude who was butchering some clean and jerks and he let me use his.  I forgot how many terrible lifting techniques there are in a commercial gym.  Internet, my soapbox please.   This kid was standing way to far away from the bar.  His legs were pretty much straight when he lifted the bar which meant a very rounded back and then he was just kind of hauling it up to his shoulders. Oy.  There was also this old guy teaching these teenagers how to dead lift which involved way to much back bend at the end. Ouch.  I am sure what they were waiting for was the only white guy in the gym to help them with lifting techniques they have been refining and teaching for years.  Anyways I tried to stick to myelf.

2 @ 135
2 @ 155
2 @ 165
2 @ 175
2 @ 185
0 @ 190

Dammit!  Balls!

The idea was a 21,15,9 with 95 lb thrusters and pull ups, but the pull up bar was a mess so I had to do strict pull ups and that crushed me.  Then the guy who lent me the bar clips took off and I almost lost one of my 25 lb plates on the first clipless thruster i tried.  So it went like this:

11 thrusters, 6 thrusters, 3, thrusters
some amount of pull ups
6 thrusters, 3 thrusters, 4 thrusters, 2 thrusters (yuck)
less pullups
1 thruster, almost lost the weight, 9 front squats, 5 or 6 presses
even fewer pull ups

I might go to crossfit on Friday depending on the workout.  The good part about their workouts lately is that they give 10 mins at the end to work on stuff you suck at.

Monday, February 4, 2013

My first Day at Ballys: 01/03/13

I joined a gym.  The dirty Bally's.  Turned out it was $10/ month plus a yearly fee of $25, but no contract.  I read the whole thing over and over and couldn't figure out how they were going to fuck me so I am really excited to find out how they are gonna go about it.

I checked out the Bally's on my way home from work last week.  I ride my bike 5 miles to and from work.  I tuck my sock into my pant leg.  I wear a yellow reflector vest.  I look good.  So there I was helmet in hand, hair ruffled, neck warmer peeking out from my collar, waiting for a tour.  The trainers were chomping at the bit to show me around because you get a free personal training session and I am pretty sure they thought they just found their perfect candidate.  The guy who "got me" literally said "I got this."

It's a pretty nice place for $10 a month, well, $12/month with the fee.  Here is what my perfect gym will have in order of importance.  1. Space 2. Bumper plates  3. Decent pull up bar 4. More than one squat rack 5. punching bag.  This place is big, but the only open space is carpeted. There is a studio but it's used for classes, one of which, the one underway when I was there, was lessons in body building poses.  Surprisingly they did not recruit me to take part.  No bumper plates so I can't miss reps. Not a big deal.  The pull up bar is duct taped on to a sumo rack.  There is also a typical gym pull up grips thingy so whatever. 4. More than one squat rack, two to be exact. 5. No punching bags. I'll make do.  They have a decent amount of stuff and a nice rowing machine that I want to get better at. 

So I met with my trainer on Sunday after I made him promise to work out with me.  He told me later that he doesn't like to judge people, but he judged me in my bike gear.  I was really worried that he would get me into some stuff that I wasn't into, but it was a good workout.  We did some circuits of 1. lunge variations, 2. push up variations, 3. battle rope variations 4. ab variations

Then we got into deadlift which I havent done in a while.  I was worried about my back but proceeded very recklessly regardless. I finished at 270 lbs.  It felt ok, but Im glad I didnt go any higher.

We finished with (3) 20 25 lb plate burpees and 20 side to sides over a step.  Good workout.