Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Why is this so hard?

I'm struggling to find the impetus to go out and get in shape. The only thing driving me right now is my increasing unflat stomach. I just don't know where to start. I banged my knee super duper hard at hat tournament I stumbled upon after new years. There is a section of my knee that is still completely numb to the touch from that incident and it is a bit painful at times when I try to run. The one good thing that I have done is sworn off cookies and muffins. I fucking love muffins almost as much as I love Subway chocolate chip cookies. Have you ever had Subway cookies fresh out of the oven? Best deal in fast food. While I was writing all of my college apps I would inevitably find myself in a cafe with a coffee and a muffin. I've probably averaged 2-3 muffin like items a week. Terrible. I hit a similar low with Dunkin Donut coffee cake muffins when I was in Chelsea.

I want to start working out in the AM cause that is when I have time right now. It's just weird for me to workout in the morning. I love leaving a 9-5 and getting a workout in before a big dinner. My plan is to start swimming and doing fartleks. Hopefully I get in one of each before Sunday. I need some inspiration though.


Seigs said...

Would you please remove the Ironside decal in the top right corner? Thanks.

Oh, and stop being a pussy.

brent said...

that's what she said?

Okie Joe said...

Sign up for a race and then get on a training program. For example this one looks awesome: http://www.warriordash.com/

brent said...

no updates? have you been eating muffins? do a workout, you will feel better.