Monday, March 8, 2010


I have finally hit a little rhythm with good workouts in the past week or two.

My sister and I bought a package of free visits to a bunch of gyms in NYC. It was 60 bucks and we have over 100 gyms to attend. It is a bit of a racket for sure, as in I could probably just show up at these gyms and say I am interested and they would give me a week to try it out. However included in the package are fencing lessons, free bowling, gymnastics, karate stuff, etc. I would probably pay $60 just to jump from a trampoline into a foam pit.

The first gym I went to coincided with a visit to Columbia University. It was on a roof top on the upper west side that overlooked the river and had a great view of the skyline. I did a warm up and then launched into 3 of these sets of exercises with like a minute or two rest between:

5 KB clean and jerks @ 35
20 mountain climbers
10 push!ups
16 walking KB swings
6 pull ups
10 squats with a 45lb sand bag
10 clean the sand bag to shoulder

I did some lat pull downs and some DB presses to fill out the upper body work and some reverse lunges from defecit and hamstrign curls to finish out the lower body work.

Next was Crunch! I haven't been to a mainstream gym in a long time. It was quite refreshing. Towels, tons of space, full boxing area with gloves, nice locker rooms, etc. I hit the bag for a while, which I haven't done in 6 months. I did some deadlifts for the first time in ages at a whopping 205. Elevated rear leg lunges at about 35. Next I cranked the treadmill up to 10, ran for a 1/4 mile and then hopped off to do 10 burpees. Finished with some push presses and some pull ups.

Third was some stupid little gym near NYU dental school which has cheap emergency dental work that I needed cause a filling fell out. I hit the bag for a while and then did this circuit a few times:

10 airplane pushups
10 step ups, 10 side step ups
10 med ball slams

I missed a couple but this post is like 3 weeks late.

Im having trouble posting with any regularity. A 9 to 5 really promotes good blogging.


Josh Mullen said...

you injury free yet?
are you playing this year? if so, how's the pony? what tourneys are you playing?


Unknown said...

what's the training rhythm been like the last little while, dude?