Thursday, January 31, 2008

Lower Body: 01/31/08

warm up

A1 deadlift:
(3) 4 @ 255

A2: reverse lunge from deficit:
(3) 8 @ 25

B2: bar rollouts
(3) 8

A3 one legged box squats:
(3) 8 while holding 35 lb weight

The circuit stuff isn't for me. I'll do high impact total body stuff one day, heavy lower body one day and an upperbody workout one day or something to that effect.

My homemade sled is coming along nicely no thanks to you guys.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Stairs: 01/29/08

3 sets of 3 and ended with a stair suicide.

I felt much better this week. I tried to concentrate the 1st and 3rd sets on speed and used the 2nd to work on leg drive.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Weights: 01/24/08

Quick workout yesterday.

I changed my routine and got burned on the first set. Two weeks ago I did single reps of each exercise to complete my circuit (one clean, one front squat, one press, etc), but this time I tried to do each exercise 5 times (5 cleans, 5 front squats, etc) before moving onto the next and it was almost impossible. I broke it down into two sets.

3 @135
5 x clean
5 x front squat

3 @135
5 x lunge
5 X press

3 sets of
8 DB push press @ 35
8 bent DB rows @ 55
8 weight touches @ 135
8 flat bench @ 135

I'm not sure if this circuit shit is working for me. If I am in the weight room I want to lift heavy. I can do all the body weight stuff during cardio days, but I guess I have time to figure it out.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Links: 01/23/08

JMU has an awesome site for researching different exercises. We should all be able to do the 300 by August.

If you can deal with all the muscle head stuff t-nation is a great resource to spice up your workouts, get nutrition information, and look for rehab stuff. The people who write articles there are among the best strength coaches in the world. Use the search engine to look for things.

University of Idaho has revamped their site and now offers videos of every exercise you could ever want.

Ill keep posting the good ones.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Stairs: 01/22/08

Only had 20 minutes today.

Every step; 3 sets of 3 with a minute break between sets.

Should these be this hard? Can someone come do these with me and tell me if it sucks for them too? I am already imagining some kick ass workouts on these sets of stairs come March and April.

Tomorrow: Circuit weights
Thursday: off
Friday: Practice with NU
Sat: weights heavy
Sun: goaltimate

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Im taking my show on the road

I might still use this for personal stuff, but i'm switching channels for a bit.