Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Real (and Posting) Vacation

I half-assed a sprint workout with Hot Toddy, Seigs and Kolt way back on the 16th or something. I was still tight from the gym workout that I did that Monday and my back was real sore from the first weekend of tryouts.

I had a lot of loose ends to tie up at work, but I should have fit in a deck of cards on Thur or Fri. Then I was off to Ed Van Leer's (formerly of Metal) wedding in Baltimore. Left Baltimore on Sunday for sunny Florida where I had a lazy ass week eating rich fatty food and chilling on the beach in Miami and throughout the keys. I got in a quick sprint workout on some dry flat open land 90 miles from Cuba on Key West. Set up a course where I would 4 x sprint 40, jog 15. I did that 8 times and then converted it into a suicide course with cones at 10 yards, but after nearly killing myself with sliding stops I stopped and went swimming for a while.

We flew back to Alexis' parents house for a nice transition into real life before returning to the true nitty gritty. They live right near princeton so I got to bask in the glory of GW ultimate. Or at least relive the good times on those fields cause those fools went out quick. GW had made the game to go or at least the the g2g to the g2g every year for the past 8 years. It was over fast within three game and tryout Seth from last year had a big part in Cornell taking them out. Lots of come to lay out blocks. I got in a long jog and another sprint-ish workout after that.

We drove a rental car back to Boston on Sunday night. All that sitting, through plane rides and car rides didn't do much to help my still hurting back, but I plan on lifting my way out of it next week. I find that generally lifting makes things better: your body, your love life, the size of your penis. And if not better, than bigger like the size of your ego as shown in the last sentence.

Work is crazy this week. On Monday I rushed home at 5 to get in a nice stair workout only to be back at work at 6:15 pm.
3 reps in a row. Couple minutes rest. 3 reps with added sprint up the hill on each. Couple minutes and then repeated except on the last rep I went up the hill and then up another hill on a path. That was rough.

Today was my day with nothing in the evening so I got in a track workout till the need to go bafroom made me leave.
3 x 400/ 90 secs: 81, 79, 78
3 min
3 x 400/ 90 secs: 78, 76, 78
ehh. I'm not happy with these times. I really just want a base so when we start doing it for real I am not flapping around 10 secs back like last year. By the way I don't like the Chelsea track. It is much more rounded than the MIT one and my "strength" in these things is seeing and going after the finish line straight ahead of me.

I might try and get out of work at some point tomorrow to do a deck of cards cause Im not gonna get another chance to workout till Saturday evening.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Total Body: 04/14/08

Time for a quick 40 minute workout today.

The active warm up was brutal, but about 3/4 of the way through things were forced into loosening up. Because of the short time and little direction I ended up doing Seig's cage workout. I changed a few things and mine ended up looking like this...

(1) 6 each @ 95: bent over row, RDL, (cleaned the bar to get it onto position for) front squat, military press (at this weight I didn't need any added momentum)
(3) 6 each @ 115
(1) 6 each @ 135 (in all 4 of these sets I had to push press the weight instead of stationary military press it)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Try Outs: 04/12/08 and 04/13/08

Winter never seems to end. Cold, short days mount up and grow indistinguishable. When spring comes it doesn't thaw away the cold, but replace it suddenly with blue skies and days in the 50's and 60's. With that sudden change in temperature tryouts sneak in and it seems like one day you are running steps in a ski jacket and the next you are in shorts and a t-shirt settling into a routine you left for dead 5 months ago. Your body knows it's been a long time and during two days of separate 4 hour practices it hopes someone will hear its pleas to slow down, to relent a bit, but it is drowned out by the hustle of 30 bodies trying to keep up a frantic pace while outdoing the 29 other guys out there. It's hard believe it's been 5 months since we were in each others company. It felt like someone could have given the punchline of a joke started 5 months ago but never finished and no one would know the difference.

I made the mistake of lifting pretty heavy on Thursday. I don't know what is up with my body, but it sure takes me a long time to recover. During actives my legs were grumpy. During the first drill they got tired after a deep cut and that feeling persisted through Saturday and probably Sunday, but I felt to tired and sore to pick out what hurt and why. I didn't go that hard on Thursday. I guess I just have to be super careful from now on, knowing that anything done after Wednesday I will feel on the weekend.

Pretty good Saturday and a mediocre Sunday. I am working on developing a set of goals for the next 2 months.

As far as workouts go my goals for the next couple months is to get through 1 of the following a week, 2 a week if no tryouts:
change in direction/sprint workouts and 200's and 400's
total body and lower body weights

Friday, April 11, 2008

Faust: Summarizing

Practice with NU. I went easy on the cardio, but we played out a lot of points.

Implemented my new sprint workout. It was too hard so I had to modify it halfway through.
Start in the back endzone. Sprint upfield 15 yards, stop, sprint backfield 10, stop, explode upfield for 5, jog 15 more and repeat 4 times, but on the last rep instead of the exploding for 5 it was sprint 40 yards to the goal line. Yowzer. I did this twice and I couldn't kick it in for those last 40 yards so I cut out a rep and did it two more times.

Sat: work

Sun: work, good news is that I did some finagling and by putting in more time during the week I don't have to work next weekend, which means I can attend both practice days in full.

Tue: Did another sprint workout
2 x 15 yds out, 10 yds in, 30 yds out (30 seconds between reps)
1 minute
2 x 15 out, 10 in, 5 out, jog 10, repeat, end with 30 yard sprint
2 x 15 out, 10 in, 5 out, jog 10, repeat, repeat, 30 yard sprint
2 x 15 out, 10 in, 5 out, jog 10, repeat, repeat, 30 yard sprint
2 x 15 out, 10 in, 5 out, jog 10, repeat, repeat, 30 yard sprint

It's not that bad distance wise. I would like to hang out and do some more reps, but everytime I've done this I've had to leave early.

Wed: Practice
We had a good crowd of local club talent show up to scrimmage the NU guys and many thanks to those who did show up. We got in a 6 pull on O and D, played to 5, and got in the 1st couple points of a game to 3 before the lights went out. It was great to play on a full field outside for the first time in a while. Ended in the dark with:
sprint 15 yards, 5 burpees, stay on your stomach when you are finished. When the last person is finished someone counts down from 5, sprint 15 more, 5 more burpees, wait for the 5 count, 15 yards 5 burpees. A 15 count this time to give a little more rest and we are coming back the way we came with 2 more 15 yard sprints and 2 more sets of 5 burpees.

Thurs: Gym
45 minutes to get something done after about a 2 week absence.

A1 Deadlift:
2 @ 145
2 @ 195
2 @ 225 (i got a little to aggressive on this one and put it down to fast causing my hamstring to tighten really suddenly and now I have a little pain on whatever ligament is on the inside of my left knee. A little scary and I hope to be pain free on Saturday.)
2 @ 275
2 @ 225

A2 pull ups:
(3) 6 @ 20

B2 1 armed DB military press
(2) 6 @ 40
(1) 8 @ 40

A3 chest supported row:
(3) 8 @ 70

B3 pushups
(3) 10 claps, 10 regulars

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Cardio: 04/01/08

April already? It seems like these weeks are flying by.

I want to be ready for the first practice/tryout so I am fashioning some sprinting workouts that will hopefully limit the shock of playing hard ultimate for the 1st time.

Active warm up
sprint warm up: "sprint" 40 yds, walk 40 x 8
sprints: (3) sprint 40, jog 40, sprint 40, wait 10 secs x 4. This meant start at the back of the endzone sprint to the 30, jog to the opposite 30, and sprint to the back of the endzone. Good cardio workout, where I could make my lungs give out before my legs.

On 04/02/08 I want to do something like this:
sprint upfield 15 yds, plant and come back for 10, jog upfield 10. Do that 10 times and then sprint the last 40.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

04/01/08: Catching Up

3/27 practice:
Got in a couple cardio and spaq things, but did a lot of playing and strategy as well.

3/28 skiing:
6 hours of skiing at Loon

3/29 basketball:
Got in a bunch of games that I played terrible in.

3/30: coaching:
Lots of pacing, lots of big wins over shitty teams.