Thursday, August 20, 2009

Gym: 08/20/09

I have two new gyms. One is the olympic lifting place in Queens and the other is a regular gym in Brooklyn. I will describe this place when I have a bit more time.

bench: i figured the best way to get to know people was hop on the bench
8 @ 145
8 @ 165
6 @ 185
4 @ 205
2 @ 225

squat: I don't know, I got up to a decent weight. I f'd up my neck though. I hadn't done back squats in ages.

5 @ 135
5 @ 185
5 @ 225
4 @ 275

popped off a few front squats at 225

shoulder press
(3) 6 @ 45

bulgarian split squat

(3) 8 @ body weight

6 pull ups whenever i went by the pull up machine

Monday, August 17, 2009

Ultimate: 08/17/09

We played all right at ECC. D was great, but left a bunch of points on the field. O struggled at times because we got to focused on accomplishing individual it became to much of an individual race to score and not a concerted effort to move the disc effectively. When this happened we stalled out and had to make tough throws that sometimes got turned over. We had almost all of breaks on Saturday, going down to Ring and Furious 0-3. Ring has some balls and it was hard for the D to get them cause Ring kept bailing/ballin out of tough situations with crazy hammers and crossfield throws. Their D also takes hours to call a line and effectively took the game to cap although we had caught up by then and ended up going up to at cap meaning the game was over. We clawed back quickly against Furious and took half.

I played well and my achilles was hardly noticeable except for a few leaps where I didn't get much height. The first O point in the Chain game I took off deep with some space and got a very nice throw that hung only slightly, which made my guy think he had a play on it (he didn't) and as I went up he crashed into me sending me cartwheeling. Luckily after a scary fall where limbs were sent into the ground at awkward angles the only thing that hurt was my calf which took the brunt of the contact when his knee slammed into it. It ended my day as I could jog around, but when I tried to really push off somewhere deep inside my calf had shut down and wouldn't respond. I spent much of the game trying to do something to loosen it up, but nothing worked.

I will take it easy over the next few weeks and hope to be good to go by Chesapeake.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Injuries: 08/12/09

My achilles is still giving me problems. When I started this blog it was amidst pretty bad achilles problems and it feels similar. I can't point out one instance where I could have hurt it so it must be do to overuse. I was just starting to feel awesome, but might have been pushing my body to hard over the last month while I tried to make up for 4-5 months of inactivity with a month of crazy town. I also tweaked my lower back. Basically I'm a mess.

I practiced last weekend and will play at ECC, but I need to get this shit under control before sectionals if I want to have a chance to be anywhere near 100% for nationals.

In New York news I was at IKEA yesterday and I noticed a woman who looked like a trashy version of Susan Sarandon. Kind of dressed frumpy, no makeup, tattoo on the back of her neck. I realized it was the real Susan Sarandon when she stole my IKEA guy away from me. She asked an innocent question (I still thought it was a poor man's Susan Sarandon so I didn't record exactly what she said, my apologies) to the IKEA employee I was deep in conversation with about whether one of their tv stands came in a walnut instead of a medium brown and he, in mid sentence to me, not only turned to answer her, but took off leaving me deep in my color conundrum. He returned a minute later like nothing had happened, but the damage had been done. I also notified her when she dropped her receipt at the check out line, but not without some disdain in my voice as I talked over a couple adoring fans who were bothering her. She actually seemed really nice and Im glad she looked frumpy, a hot 60 year old frumpy.

Back to the color thing. IKEA changes their colors very slightly every few years so you can't match used things to new things. Or at least that is my theory.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I went to the Lost Battalion Lifting Hall yesterday thinking it would be my gym for the rest of the year. It was pretty cool, but the only thing the dudes do are olympic lifts and a few, very few, supplemental exercises that improve olympic lifts. I was there for 2 hours and did nothing but clean and jerks and snatches. At the last minute I hopped in with some guys doing front squats as a supplemental exercise. I was kind of disappointed that they took such a narrow view on lifting. Just mentioning a deadlift drew some pointed remarks about fast twitch exercises vs body builder exercises. I can't understand why being able to move a shit ton of weight at a slower speed is bad for trying to move a shit ton of weight fast. You can't build fast twitch muscle. You can get better at your fast twitch movements, but either you have a lot of fast twitch muscle or you don't. Anyways it turns out that this hall is part of the NYC parks and rec that has gyms all over the city, apprently in various points of disrepair, but it is cheap, cheap, cheap. Only 50 bucks for the year.

I tried to tell the dude helping me that I have lifted before and yet he was continuously shocked that I was decent at it. I'm sure he gets a lot of guys in there talking about how much they can bench, but I was trying to tell him that I've done most of this stuff just not the right way so it was amusing (and I admit a pretty good ego boost) to see his chest swell as he told the other coaches, "under an hour, and look at him". The kilo's fuck me up, but he was adding some decent weight.

This is an awesome video. See how the bar follows the contour of her body? Mine was more coming straight up from the knees towards the chest instead of taking a detour to the waist. We didn't get the weight up to high with this one. Actually I have no idea how high we got.

clean and jerk
This is where the weight started getting up, but again I wasn't keeping track.

front squats: a couple at 255

Not sure how I will proceed with this place.

Monday, August 3, 2009

practice: week of 08/02/09

Friday I thought I could run home from work and in about 2.5 hours finish up getting all of our stuff out of the apartment. That didn't work. It took more like 6 hours, which was a big sucky sucky cause we were trying to get to an engagement party, which we ended up about 2 hours late for. The engagement party went till after 1 am and by the time we got parked, into our hotel room and made a poor food delivery order it was 3:45 am.

Up at 7:15 am for practice, nice to know you Boston Sheraton, and off to bachelor party things for same engagement party at 3 pm. Volleyball, wiffle ball, more stump and at Foxwoods by 9 pm. Lost $100 in the first hour. Didnt play for an hour or two. Back to even by 12:30 am. Up $100 by 2:30 am. Another terrible food decision and we weren't asleep till 6:30 am. Up at 8 am for practice. On the road to Brooklyn by 4 pm. 1.5 hour nap around 84. Cruised on into Brooklyn at 8:30 pm. 3/4 of the stuff unloaded by 10:30. Asleep at 11:30. Up at 9:30. Breakfast. Back to sleep at 11:00 am up at 2 pm ready to start my New York life.

Practice was good. I made some bad throws on decent decisions. I got to just let it rip. On the two completions I did just that. On the three throw aways I tried to guide it in which is not my game.

I managed to severely stress my ankle and achilles on my left foot. I am hobbling around right now with an ankle brace and icing constantly. I think this is my body's way of telling me to ease up for a bit. My back has also been bad for two weeks, which has been excasperated by all this moving. Im using this evidence to take a light week of workouts on so I am ready for next weekends practice and ECC the weekend after that.