Friday, April 29, 2011

Crossfit: 4/29/11

8 rounds of tabata rope undulations

10 min AMRAP:
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats
=10 plus 1 pullup (I suck at push ups right now. They are what killed my time.)

Good mornings:
3 @ 195
3 @ 205
3 @ 205
1 @ 215
1 @ 215

zercher squats: really stupid exercise. my forearms are gonna be a mess
1 @ 235
1 @ 245
1 @ 255
1 @ 265
1 @ 275

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Track: 04/28/11

Oh the track. I hate it so much. I have no one to blame but myself, for many reasons really, but most importantly cause I made the track workout.

400, 90 secs, 400, 90 secs, 400
72, 73, 77 (I was screaming down the straight for the last rep and when I looked at my time I was astonished to see 77, but then I remembered that 200 m before I had almost stopped cause I felt so shitty. Looking at that time, I might as well have)

5 mins

200, 60s, 200, 60s, 200
32,33,32 (a monsoon blew through during my second 200)

100m, 30s, 100, 30s, 100, 30s, 100

I hate 100's. They are short enough that if you aren't going full speed you feel like you are not getting a good rep in, but long enough where if you do go 100% your wiped for a good minute or two. I suffered through these.

Point Gone Bad (yes I am ripping off cross fit)
cones @ 0yds and 20yds
0, 20, 0, 20, 0
jog 20
0, 20, 0, 20, 0
jog 20
0, 20, 0, 20, 0
jog 40

5 mins

Come back cuts
3 x's:
0,7,07,0,14,0,14,0, deep cut


Friday, April 22, 2011

Crossfit: 4/22/11

warm up:
AMRAP in 10 mins
400 m run
500 m row

I ran (3) 400's and completed (2) 500 m rows and was 360m into my 3rd when time went off.

Snatch grip deadlifts + 10 ring dips after each set: I was told to move my hands in to the markers and it became loads easier. I should have gone heavier
195/210/235/245/255 too easy for this to be my last set, but had to move on

AMRAP in 10 mins
(5) 95 lb thrusters
(10) burpees
(20) double unders, which i finally started banging out uninterrupted by my stupid singles
5 rounds completed along with 5 thrusters, 10 burpees and 0 double unders. It was terrible.

Field Workout: 04/21/11

Active Warmup

30 yard tabatas: Cones @ 0 and 30 yds
4,3,3,3 on pretty much all sets

3 minute rest


3 minutes rest


6 minute rest

As Many Reps as Possible (AMRAP) in 2 minutes; count your reps, a rep is...
5 burpees*
30 yard sprint (you should still have the cone @ 30 yards, use that)

= 5 reps plus one burpee

3 minutes

Square Cuts: 10 yd x 10 yd square; 30 seconds on, 1 minute off X's 3

A <--10--> B



Make alternating cuts. First is from D to B to catching on or near X. Fake, throw. Jog to C and then sprint C to A to X, catch, fake, throw, repeat. If you catch it and throw a completion its a rep. If you are alone, do the same thing along with catches and fakes

5 minutes

5 rounds for time: record your time
10 push ups
10 lunge jumps
10 situps

Didnt keep track

Gym: 4/19/11

I was itching to do some snatches, which I haven't done since I got to New York in the summer of 09. I didn't do well. My grip was too wide. My pinkies were against the sides of the bar. I think this limited my power. I also get nervous dropping under 100 lbs of weight and just trusting that my shoulders know what to do. I could have gotten more weight if my technique was better.
a bunch @ 110, some more at 132, 1 @ 154

Clean and jerk was next. I did these much better a couple weeks ago, getting up to 185. I think I peaked at 154 or so says my notebook. Not sure what the issue was.

I had it in my head to do 21 reps, 15 reps, 11 reps circuit for time of pullups, burpees and wall balls. I did 15 kipping pullups, took a break, looked at my hand and noticed that I had already lost a penny sized piece of skin on my palm. I finished the pullups, but after 21 bupees and worst of all 21 wall balls with a 30 lb ball I was spent and conveniently had to go anyways.

Basketball: 04/18/11

Basketball! I played well in some very physical games. I have to push myself to not take any possessions off even though I bet my team wished that I did.

In between the game we lost I ran stairs and did burpees.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Crossfit: 4/15/11

3 min of jump rope

I got 65 double unders. I spent about 2:30 just going single, double, single, double. I probably should have gotten more. I spent the last 30 seconds trying to string together double unders. I think I got 3 or 4 but then lost it every time.

Front Squat:
I got kneed in the quad on Tuesday during basketball. I didn't effect me until the 3rd rep of my 245 when I tweaked it. It was a tough rep overall and it wasn't a pull or anything, but thought I would settle for 245 x 3 and not push it.

I learned to front squat with my arms crossed or semi crossed. I agree now that it is better to try to get your fingers under the bar with your elbows straight out in front of you. It helps to improve your posture for clean and jerks. Unfortunately it is a bit limiting. A couple weeks ago I did 3x3 @ 265 lbs. Im sure it will get more comfortable.

10 Rounds For Time (RFT) :
10 kettle bell swings (crotch to shoudlers) @ 24 kg
10 box jump @ 24 in

I went to the website last night to check what today's workout would be and I was not that impressed. My tune changed once I picked up the 24 kg kb (heavy) and looked at the 24" box (high). The box jumps were the hardest part. The first few kb swings were hard because I was gassed from the box jumps. I took a 10 second rest between rounds 3 and 5, which I ended up regretting.

WOD Rx'd as they say in the crossfit industry.

muscle ups on the bar: 1
muscle ups on the rings: .5

This weeks crossfit games workout is slaying people:

AMRAP in 10 minutes:
60 bar burpees (do a burpee jump over a bar with a plate on each side = 1)

30 OHS @ 120 lb + have to get the bar from ground to OHS position. Apparently this is killing kids. I am going to do some snatches on Monday to see how it feels.

10 muscle ups, regular people aren't even getting here, but once you do it is f'n brutal. I almost did one and in fact was in the "easier" part with the rings underneath my armpits, but my elbow slipped and I almost dislocated my shoulder. There was an impingement/grab near my scapula but after some laccrosse ball grinding it was all better.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Running: 04/14/11

My promise to myself this year is not to let cardio get in the way of being my best. To that end for the immediate future I want to do 1 act of random cardio (basketball, goaltimate, ultimate, etc) and two acts of concentrated cardio (running as my main objective) a week. In season, Aug-Fall, I want to do 2 concentrated cardios on top of 2 practice days. My wedding will be messing with that all summer so we shall see what happens.

3 x's (4 min: 30 secs jog, 30 secs run, 30 secs survive)

right now my paces are:
jog is a good mile pace
run is a good 200/400 pace
survive is just like it sounds

I took decent rest and ended my first two sets with a sprint uphill.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Basketball: 04/12/11

Three games of basketball. I ran my ass off. I figure cause I can't make a shot if I am not directly under the basket (95% true as in I am literally shooting 5% from outside the paint) I need to run my guy around people until I can get open within 5 feet of the basket. The dude who was guarding me told me to go run on a treadmill. Some skinny kid at like 5'11 got a rebound from me. I absolutely destroyed him on a pick the next time down the floor. A couple times when people are really moving and smaller than me and they don't see me set the screen I warn them and kind of try to catch them before I crush them. I didn't warn this guy. Definitely sour grapes on my part.

I had a lot of work to do so I got to the gym late and stuck to basketball. I haven't lifted for about 10 days, which is a bummer.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

field workout: 04/10/11

Sorry for the hiatus...who am I speaking to? I guess I am apologizing to myself. I played disc golf at fools and was just lumbering like an exposed brontosaurus through hordes of velociraptor/poison ivy. We even mentioned it at the time, but it just seemed too early for poison ivy. Sure enough on Sunday night I start to get the tingle. Its a slow burn for me. I took Monday off cause I had tons of school work to make up. In between my fingers was getting red and angry. Tuesday it felt worse than it looked so I took that day off too. Wednesday morning and I couldn't even approach a fist with my right hand because there was poison ivy bubbles in between half my fingers. I get miserable when I have poison ivy. Miserable and completely crazy. I took everything to the dry cleaners. I threw shoe laces away. I actually haven't touched the shoes or cleats I wore to fools they are on the floor next to the door. Alexis is supposed to do something with them, but I think she forgot. It spread, not in bubble form thankfully to my thighs, neck, bicep and even creeped up onto my face. It was a lot less worse than it sounded or at least with my history of poison ivy it was a very minimal case, but I swear it gets worse and hurts more with exertion so I took it easy.

On Monday I did not have to go to Rutgers so without the gym at my disposal I tried to get up for a field workout. I got to prospect park and there were 1000 asians tossing frisbees. Weird anywhere else, but this is just Stuyvesant HS. So I threw with a 17 year old for a good 10 minutes and then rattled off something like this:

cones @ 10 yds, 20, 30


My hips weren't opening up on the sprints so it wasn't a great workout. Good limbering up though.

the "0,30,0,30,0,30,0,30,0" got me thinking about how to make team workouts fun in the spring. One of the reasons crossfit is marketable and appealing is because in many cases it is measurable, not only can you see personal increases, but you can match yourself up directly with another person. My idea is that for the team ultimate workouts that I make up in the spring, I am going to dabble with some crossfit measuring ideas for ultimate workouts so that everything is reportable and competitive.

The "0,30,0,30,0,30,0,30,0" got my attention because what if the workout was As Fast As Possible (AFAP) "0,30,0,30,0,30,0,30,0 and 10 seconds of rest x 6" You wouldn't even have to stop the watch, just take your total time and subtract 50 secs from in. Or AMRAP 30 yards sprints in 30 seconds or a 1 minutes, etc. Things to think about.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Fri-Sun 04/01/11 to 04/03/011: Fools Fest

Lots of ultimate at an average of 75%, but sometimes spiking upwards of 95%. Metal wins the tournament despite being more Rusted than Twisted. Highlight for me was trying to throw a 45 yard blade in the finals. Lowlight was shorting it by about 15 yards. In general I was good for a couple cuts than a lot of deep breaths, lots of lasers and a couple decent hucks and lots of mistimed jumps along with a couple good skys. I also lost in pokey by way of a face shot that went in my mouth and scraped my gums. I hope his nails were clean.