Friday, May 29, 2009

kettle bells: 05/28/09

I am coming off a semi-successful Wednesday testing of my hamstring. I made 10-15 yard cuts at or near 100% for the first time in... 7 months! Terrifying. I can't even imagine what my cardio is going to be like. I will do some drills on Saturday and maybe play a few points at some point. The last thing I want to do it go all out and set myself back again for the 100th time.

Anyways I was at the gym to do some light circuit stuff and I saw that the kettlebell class was starting so I did a quick active and hopped in never having taken the class before. It was fun. Lots of explosive lifts. I had a 16 kg and a 20 kg bell. I ended up using the 20 kg ball for most lifts and the 16 only when the instructor suggested we use the light one.

It was a lot of:
8 clean and press rt arm
8 clean and press lft arm
30 secs off
3 get ups
30 secs off
6 swings rt arm
6 swings lft arm

then we did some kettle bell walks which were great except i needed a bigger bell

and we finished with some timed sets; 20 secs on; 10 off which nearly killed my arms

a good total body workout with a lot of sweating. if nothing else it's something to add to the tool box. Ill probably go once a month.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

more hotels: 05/23/09

3 in 4 weeks isnt crazy.

Put the treadmill at about 8 and ran a minute then did 10 burpees took about 30 secs off then repeated 3 times.

Put the treadmill on 11 and 7 incline did 30 seconds then did 10 airplane pushups and 10 crunches 30 secs off and repeat. I did it 3 times.

Then my friend and I raced a 13 year old boy and a 12 year old girl in the pool. 4 lengths of an itty bitty pool. I won. It was tiring.

Monday, May 18, 2009

giddy up: 05/19/09

No more hamstring talk. It will either get better or it won't.

One Monday's they have a million little kids boxing upstairs so no heavy bag. Instead I got right into a circuit.

4 times: 2 minutes between reps

12 sledge hammer slams: 6 each side
10 alt hand med ball push ups: legs spread left hand on the ground, righthand on ball, pushup!, and in one motion hand from the ground comes up to replace hand on ball which goes to the ground.
6 ball tosses
10 get down, get up: start standing drop into pushup position and immediately fire yourself back up so you can get your legs under you, but dont stand up completely. Drop right back down to pushup position

There are these things hanging from the cieling that look like the ends of a 45 lb bar. There are two of them about shoulder width apart and they hang straight down so it is like gripping a thick street sign pole.

3 sets:
5 pullups on street pole thing
5 shoulder press (50, 50, 55)
5 hanging straight leg raises

Giddy Up: 05/19/09

No more hamstring talk.  It will either get better or it won't.

One Monday's they have a million little kids boxing upstairs so no heavy bag. Instead I got right into  a circuit.

4 times: 2 minutes between reps

12 sledge hammer slams: 6 each side
10 alt hand med ball push ups: legs spread left hand on the ground, righthand on ball, pushup!, and in one motion hand from the ground comes up to replace hand on ball which goes to the ground.
6 ball tosses
10 get down, get up: start standing drop into pushup position and immediately fire yourself back up so you can get your legs under you, but dont stand up completely.  Drop right back down to pushup position

There are these things hanging from the cieling that look like the ends of a 45 lb bar.  There are two of them about shoulder width apart and they hang straight down so it is like gripping a thick street sign pole. 
3 sets:
5 pullups on street pole thing
5 shoulder press (50, 50, 55)
5 hanging straight leg raises

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

back to blogging,

back to being frustrated. My hamstring is gonna be broken forever. Im going to get another doctor to look at it.

heavy bag:
3 x's 2 min on 1 min off

3 times
1 min heavy bag
10 med ball pushups (med ball at center of chest, hands on the ground, explode up onto the ball, full push up, back down to the ground, push up = 2)
10 lateral blast strap pull ups
1 min off

heavy: full weight vest
5 pull ups/5 blast strap push ups
no vest - 5/10

alternating 45 secs; left, right, l, r