Monday, May 18, 2009

giddy up: 05/19/09

No more hamstring talk. It will either get better or it won't.

One Monday's they have a million little kids boxing upstairs so no heavy bag. Instead I got right into a circuit.

4 times: 2 minutes between reps

12 sledge hammer slams: 6 each side
10 alt hand med ball push ups: legs spread left hand on the ground, righthand on ball, pushup!, and in one motion hand from the ground comes up to replace hand on ball which goes to the ground.
6 ball tosses
10 get down, get up: start standing drop into pushup position and immediately fire yourself back up so you can get your legs under you, but dont stand up completely. Drop right back down to pushup position

There are these things hanging from the cieling that look like the ends of a 45 lb bar. There are two of them about shoulder width apart and they hang straight down so it is like gripping a thick street sign pole.

3 sets:
5 pullups on street pole thing
5 shoulder press (50, 50, 55)
5 hanging straight leg raises

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