Friday, May 29, 2009

kettle bells: 05/28/09

I am coming off a semi-successful Wednesday testing of my hamstring. I made 10-15 yard cuts at or near 100% for the first time in... 7 months! Terrifying. I can't even imagine what my cardio is going to be like. I will do some drills on Saturday and maybe play a few points at some point. The last thing I want to do it go all out and set myself back again for the 100th time.

Anyways I was at the gym to do some light circuit stuff and I saw that the kettlebell class was starting so I did a quick active and hopped in never having taken the class before. It was fun. Lots of explosive lifts. I had a 16 kg and a 20 kg bell. I ended up using the 20 kg ball for most lifts and the 16 only when the instructor suggested we use the light one.

It was a lot of:
8 clean and press rt arm
8 clean and press lft arm
30 secs off
3 get ups
30 secs off
6 swings rt arm
6 swings lft arm

then we did some kettle bell walks which were great except i needed a bigger bell

and we finished with some timed sets; 20 secs on; 10 off which nearly killed my arms

a good total body workout with a lot of sweating. if nothing else it's something to add to the tool box. Ill probably go once a month.

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