Monday, April 11, 2011

Basketball: 04/12/11

Three games of basketball. I ran my ass off. I figure cause I can't make a shot if I am not directly under the basket (95% true as in I am literally shooting 5% from outside the paint) I need to run my guy around people until I can get open within 5 feet of the basket. The dude who was guarding me told me to go run on a treadmill. Some skinny kid at like 5'11 got a rebound from me. I absolutely destroyed him on a pick the next time down the floor. A couple times when people are really moving and smaller than me and they don't see me set the screen I warn them and kind of try to catch them before I crush them. I didn't warn this guy. Definitely sour grapes on my part.

I had a lot of work to do so I got to the gym late and stuck to basketball. I haven't lifted for about 10 days, which is a bummer.

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