Monday, August 17, 2009

Ultimate: 08/17/09

We played all right at ECC. D was great, but left a bunch of points on the field. O struggled at times because we got to focused on accomplishing individual it became to much of an individual race to score and not a concerted effort to move the disc effectively. When this happened we stalled out and had to make tough throws that sometimes got turned over. We had almost all of breaks on Saturday, going down to Ring and Furious 0-3. Ring has some balls and it was hard for the D to get them cause Ring kept bailing/ballin out of tough situations with crazy hammers and crossfield throws. Their D also takes hours to call a line and effectively took the game to cap although we had caught up by then and ended up going up to at cap meaning the game was over. We clawed back quickly against Furious and took half.

I played well and my achilles was hardly noticeable except for a few leaps where I didn't get much height. The first O point in the Chain game I took off deep with some space and got a very nice throw that hung only slightly, which made my guy think he had a play on it (he didn't) and as I went up he crashed into me sending me cartwheeling. Luckily after a scary fall where limbs were sent into the ground at awkward angles the only thing that hurt was my calf which took the brunt of the contact when his knee slammed into it. It ended my day as I could jog around, but when I tried to really push off somewhere deep inside my calf had shut down and wouldn't respond. I spent much of the game trying to do something to loosen it up, but nothing worked.

I will take it easy over the next few weeks and hope to be good to go by Chesapeake.

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