Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Injuries: 08/12/09

My achilles is still giving me problems. When I started this blog it was amidst pretty bad achilles problems and it feels similar. I can't point out one instance where I could have hurt it so it must be do to overuse. I was just starting to feel awesome, but might have been pushing my body to hard over the last month while I tried to make up for 4-5 months of inactivity with a month of crazy town. I also tweaked my lower back. Basically I'm a mess.

I practiced last weekend and will play at ECC, but I need to get this shit under control before sectionals if I want to have a chance to be anywhere near 100% for nationals.

In New York news I was at IKEA yesterday and I noticed a woman who looked like a trashy version of Susan Sarandon. Kind of dressed frumpy, no makeup, tattoo on the back of her neck. I realized it was the real Susan Sarandon when she stole my IKEA guy away from me. She asked an innocent question (I still thought it was a poor man's Susan Sarandon so I didn't record exactly what she said, my apologies) to the IKEA employee I was deep in conversation with about whether one of their tv stands came in a walnut instead of a medium brown and he, in mid sentence to me, not only turned to answer her, but took off leaving me deep in my color conundrum. He returned a minute later like nothing had happened, but the damage had been done. I also notified her when she dropped her receipt at the check out line, but not without some disdain in my voice as I talked over a couple adoring fans who were bothering her. She actually seemed really nice and Im glad she looked frumpy, a hot 60 year old frumpy.

Back to the color thing. IKEA changes their colors very slightly every few years so you can't match used things to new things. Or at least that is my theory.

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