Sunday, April 13, 2008

Try Outs: 04/12/08 and 04/13/08

Winter never seems to end. Cold, short days mount up and grow indistinguishable. When spring comes it doesn't thaw away the cold, but replace it suddenly with blue skies and days in the 50's and 60's. With that sudden change in temperature tryouts sneak in and it seems like one day you are running steps in a ski jacket and the next you are in shorts and a t-shirt settling into a routine you left for dead 5 months ago. Your body knows it's been a long time and during two days of separate 4 hour practices it hopes someone will hear its pleas to slow down, to relent a bit, but it is drowned out by the hustle of 30 bodies trying to keep up a frantic pace while outdoing the 29 other guys out there. It's hard believe it's been 5 months since we were in each others company. It felt like someone could have given the punchline of a joke started 5 months ago but never finished and no one would know the difference.

I made the mistake of lifting pretty heavy on Thursday. I don't know what is up with my body, but it sure takes me a long time to recover. During actives my legs were grumpy. During the first drill they got tired after a deep cut and that feeling persisted through Saturday and probably Sunday, but I felt to tired and sore to pick out what hurt and why. I didn't go that hard on Thursday. I guess I just have to be super careful from now on, knowing that anything done after Wednesday I will feel on the weekend.

Pretty good Saturday and a mediocre Sunday. I am working on developing a set of goals for the next 2 months.

As far as workouts go my goals for the next couple months is to get through 1 of the following a week, 2 a week if no tryouts:
change in direction/sprint workouts and 200's and 400's
total body and lower body weights

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