Thursday, February 18, 2010

Running, but where am I running to?

2 fartleks
30 sec jog, 30 sec faster jog, 30 secs fastest jog; I really struggled.

2 fartleks
30 secs jog, 30 secs faster jog, 30 secs run; felt a bit better

1 (6) 10 sec sprint, 20 secs walk

I went for two runs this week. That might not seem like a big deal to you, but it was a for me. It marked the first time I have singularly exercised outside since a couple weeks before nationals. I am pretty sure I have the glimmer of a pooch starting to form or at least the closest thing that I will come to one for some time. Mired in injuries and self loathing, these last few months have been rough and my body is showing it.

From national's 2008 till now I've spent like 3 months healthy. I wrecked my hamstring at 2008 nationals and chronicled the frustrating rehab here. I finally got back out there in June and had probably the most successful summer of training I've ever had, but it seemed that my body wasn't ready for all that work. One thing led to another. I got a nasty charlie horse in my calf that set me back two weeks. A few weeks later I strained my quad and in my haste to get back severely strained both of them the next weekend which effectively ended my season, which I will elaborate more on in a later post.

After nationals I shut myself off to ultimate and really caring about my body. The new year was when I had planned to get back in shape and low and behold Alexis and I wander past a New Years hat tournament after brunch. Seemed like a good sign and I cleat up and walk over. I felt pretty good and played decent right up until I tried to get to a disc I had no business of trying to get to. I landed awkwardly on my knee and it immediately went numb. Like the whole thing. It was scary, but has been more of a nuisance since. I almost have total flexion back, but there is a quarter sized spot right below my knee cap that is still numb to the touch.

Here is my plan. Run. Run, run, run. Running for me is fartleks (jog, run, run faster), tabatas, 200's and 400's. I plan on starting to lift next week. I will elaborate on all of this stuff within the next couple weeks including my overall plan for the year. I still think my July-August last year is the ideal way to train for ultimate. I think I went after it 2 months early though. More to come.


Lindsey said...

When did you start lifting weights regularly? I can't decide whether Air Alert or starting to lift marked the beginning of my athletic downfall.

Ben said...

What are you talking about? You looked great at nationals. It's just peaks and valleys baby!

I've never lifted weights regularly because I would always get hurt and have to stop. I started lifting in 11th grade, took it pretty seriously in 12th grade, got back into it sophomore year and then when uninjured till I left for Peace Corps. I got serious when I was in the Peace Corps. Came back and took some time off and then have been very into it since the Spring of 07 i think.

Its only been the last year where I've had muscle injuries. I've come to the conclusion, with 10 years of ultimate behind me, that I am prone to injury. My body just seems to break down quicker than other peoples. Pretty much every 2 months on I need a month off.

Ryan Todd said...

Running to Prague, baby! Suck it up and make the trip. You should take advantage of your time while you have it! (Assuming you have the summer off before going back to school, that is.) Use your tax refund - that's what I'm doing.

You too Holzer. Although with your July I suppose you have a better excuse.

Aside - I'm sure the government will be thrilled to know that my tax break is going directly to the Czech economy.