Wednesday, October 22, 2008

stairs: 10/22/08

I had my cleats in my bag and was headed towards the park next to my house, but saw a bunch of kids smoking weed, looked at myself all tighted up and went with the better option anyways which was stairs.

4 or 5 warmup reps
3 sets every step
minute or so
1 rep 6 explosive steps, easy 6 steps
1 rep bounding 3-4 steps at a time
1 rep 6 explosive, 6 easy

Quick and simple.

Started on the stairs this year, 01/21/08 to be exact, so it was nice to end on em 10 months later. Probably the longest sustained working out without being badly injured that I've ever done. Right at 196. I think I could still put on a little more muscle and drop a little fat, but that would mean that much more commitment to program design, workout space and equipment and workout time. I am kind of stretched thin at the moment.

NU practice tonight, rest on Fri, practice this weekend, massage on Monday, agilities on Tuesday, HO'n on the beach on Wed...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

gym: 10/21/08

Finally got out of work a good 45 minutes early and headed to the gym before a meeting at night.

hit the heavy bag for a bit with open hand cause i dont have gloves. i bet i could f someone up in a slap fight.

circuit 1, 3 times:
30 toe taps 0, 15 lb dbs, 25
10 lateral pull ups elevated feet
step ups
15 secs of constant plate movement 45, 70, 70
one legged squats 0, 15 lb dbs, 25
pull ups 6 @ 0, 5 @ 25, 5 @ 25

I really pushed it on the last two sets, taking about a minute between these two sets

circuit 2, 2 times:
6 overhead squats @ 95, 125
10 pushups
10 bar roll outs

1 @ 115
1 @ 135
1 @ 155
1 @ 175
0 @ 185, bummer

*the constant plate movement i found on this insane workout an mma guy does. tell me he couldn't hang with us in death point of ultimate.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Tossin': 10/20/08

Worked on my throws while getting in some actives. Probably threw 25 backhand and 40 flick hucks and worked on my throws to space when i was collecting the discs.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

practice weekend: 10/19/08

Last tough practice weekend of the year. It finally got windy for us, which was a nice preview of Florida. Gusty, multi level wind coming from every direction. It was fun to get some touches in with adverse elements. We also got out all of the stupid shit we would have done on Thursday morning.

I'm working on my schedule for the next two weeks.

Friday, October 17, 2008

workout: 10/17/08

We have had some pretty easy weekend since Labor Day which was more than a month and a half ago. In order to toughen up for nationals we did a Friday workout in anticipation of 3-4 hard days of ultimate in a week and a half.

20 sec:10 sec; sprint:jog for 4 minutes. I didn't do as well as I wanted.

12 up downs (burpee without the pushup)
24 pushups
30 squats
200 m

I was good up until the the 3rd set of up downs which I didnt recover from till after our cool down jog. 31,32,36,32.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mini: 10/16/08

I got out for a warm up on Wednesday and had an ambitious sprint workout planned, but after some actives and a warmup lap I shut it down cause my hamstring was hurting. I wish I had brought some discs to toss at least.

Thursday was mini and it was fun and hard.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Gym: 10/13/08

front squats:

DB reverse lunges from deficit:

A1 shuffle tap things
3 x 20 @ 45

B1 front bridges on swiss ball
3 X 45 secs

Sunday, October 12, 2008

regionals: week of 10/12/08


Didn't play that much with so much dominating going on.

Monday, October 6, 2008

gym: 10/06/08

(3) circuits, 2 mins between sets
prone pull ups: 10 @ 0, 8 @ 25, 8 @ 25
toe taps: 16 @ 50, 20 @ 50, 20 @ 50
t pushups: 10 @ 15 x 3
explosive lunges: 12 @ 30
cleans: 6 @ 115, 6 @ 135, 6 @ 135

6 @ 225
6 @ 245
5 @ 265
4 @ 275
1 @ 295: I dont think ive ever bar deadlifted over 300, but Ill have to check it out. I could have done it, but those 5-10 pounds wouldn't have made a difference in my conditioning and might have messed my back up.

Im at 198. If I can keep lifting once or twice a week and stay below 200, Im in good shape figuratively and literally.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

practice: week of 10/05/08

Last practice before regionals. Lot's of stuff to gel on and never enough time to do it.

This week:
Mon - Gym
Tue - Throwing
Wed - sprint workout
Thurs - agilities
Fri - game film (aka Mighty Ducks 2)

Friday, October 3, 2008

weights: 10/03/08

Friday I got done with work and Alexis wasn't around so with nothing to do and nobody to be home for I headed to the gym with no deadline on when I had to leave.

upper body circuit: 3 times through
med ball pushups: 10 right hand on ball, 10 left, 5 both
pull ups: 6 @ 20, 6 @ 20, 4 @ 30
one armed DB jerks: 6 @ 40

A1 bench:
(3) 6 @ 185

A2 row:
(3) 8 @ 110

B1 incline raises:
(3) 10 @ 15

B2 side planks
(3) 45 secs

Thursday, October 2, 2008

agility and speed: 10/02/08

I got in some good agility stuff, but my ankle was bothering me through the heavy change in direction stuff so I shut it down.

I might be off the track for the rest of the year, just so I can stay healthy for the weekends.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

track: 10/01/08

Track workouts on da birthdays.

2 laps jogging curves, striding straightaways to really get warmed up.

2x200 (fast) with 60sec/5min

3x100 with walkbacks. 90 seconds rest after the last one.

1x200 (fast) then 4min

2x100 with walkbacks

8x40 with walkbacks


I was planning on going out hard on the first 2, but everyone else seemed to have the same idea. I finished right behind a couple guys at 26. Then hit 26 again while the people around me switched a bit, except for Jeff who is always right in front of me. 100's were shitty cause it hurts my ankle, but regardless of how far off the lead to do a 200 with 90 seconds rest after a 100 is tough. Started off fast in lane 4. Jeff flys by, Mullen creeps by the rest are cutting the gap at the turn, but I hold them off and struggle to catch Mullen who is struggling to catch Jeff, neither of us get there. 27. More 100's and some 40's.