Friday, December 26, 2008

gym: 12/26/08

My hamstring still hurts. That sucks cause I all i have done since nationals is a couple game of basketball a couple saturdays ago and climb a couple mountain/hills in Peru. I'm lifting, but not to explosively and I'm generally being pretty careful. I will be officially frustrated in 2 weeks probably.

Used a warm up Chris Frost sent me although I couldn't exactly remember it.

It was supposed to start with some fronts with just the bar, but I forgot and got right into the following:

A1 RDL's
(3) 10 @ 95

A2 front squat
(3) 10 @ 95

No rest between A1 and A2, just clean it up to front squat position and do them.

box squats: I haven't done these in a while. Weight didn't get up that high. I think the amount of weight is really dependent on how far you lean forward when you are coming off the box. Try getting up from the chair you are in without leaning forward while keeping your back in good squat form. Impossible right? So there has to be a little lean. Unless I guess you splay your legs out wide. Whatever, I thought the weight was fine for how little I was leaning forward.
(3) 5 @ 220

one DB lunges: Use one DB instead of two to work on the core while you lunge. I doubt i made this up, but I just thought it might be interesting to do.
(3) 12 @ 55

circuit: x 3, no rest between sets
1 minute heavy bag
5 med ball pushups elevated, 5 not elevated
30 sec side planks each side

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

quickie: 12/23/08

Snuck in a sweaty one today.  Quicky, snuck in, sweaty one...not really the tone I was going for when I started writing this post.

circuit x 3 with 2 minute-ish rest
hit the heavy bag for one minute
10 pull through and ups @ 45  (db on ground between legs, two handed grip, toss it up to the sky)
10 med ball slams
20 med ball pushups, feet elevated (10 with right hand on ball, 10 with left)
12 step ups with shoulder press @ 35 (step up with db at shoulder level, step up then press db)

Hitting the heavy bag got harder each time.  During the third I gassed with about 20 seconds left, which means everything else was real tough to get through.  

Saturday, December 20, 2008

gym: 12/20/08

circuit to start: 2 sets, decent 2 minutes between sets
RDL's 8 @ 95
upright rows 8 @ 95
OH squats 6, 8 @ 95
1 armed db push press 6, 8 @ 45
side squats 10 @ 45
elevator push ups*: 6


(3) 5 @ 250
1 @ 265
1 @ 275
1 @ 285
1 @ 295
1 @ 305
1 @ 315: during the last couple, after finishing the lift, I was a little light headed. 315 is pretty good. I think I could lift more, but the lightheadedness made me hold off.

reverse hypers: i finally found something to hold my legs for reverse hypers pr whatever they are called. Only problem is that my heels are being held down and not my hamstrings so it makes it a little more difficult/uncomfortable.
(3) 6

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

gym: 12/17/08

If I'm doing heavy lower body, I gotta get the chest all bloated too right?

A1 flat bench: I already feel the man boobs coming back
(3) 6 @ 185
(1) 3 @ 195
(1) 3 @ 205

A2 chest supported row:
(3) 6 @ 55
(2) 6 @ 65

B1 pull ups
(3) 6

B2 one arm db shoulder press
(2) 6 @ 35
(1) 6 @ 45

C1 push!ups onto step and back down: cant find a video. in push up position with your chin over the end of a vertically placed step up.  Do a push! up so your hands land on the step.  Do a push up on the step and then get your hands back to the ground.  That is 1.
(3) 4

C2 bar rollouts: everyone should be doing bar rollouts.  Here's a video of the Cressey Performance kids doing them with bands.  
(3) 8

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

gym: 12/16/08

I got out of work with tons of time to make a workout happen. I had this plan to go do some fartleks around the block, but I decided that my hamstring still isn't 100% and it would be stupid to push it even a little bit when instead I can take the whole next 2-3 weeks off and start again in January. I am going to try and lift my way out of the injury by doing low rep low intensity high weight lifts for the next couple weeks.

front squat:
6 @ 195
6 @ 205
(2) 6 @ 215
6 @ 2225 225, although someday ill be front squatting buicks.

4 @ 250
4 @ 275
4 @ 295
4 @ 315

one legged squats:
(2) 8

Saturday, December 13, 2008

basketball: 12/13/08

Dropped some knowledge on some people in the form of reckless drives, terrible perimeter jumpers and so so defense. I did feel decent running up and down the court and my hamstring sustained the 80% effort until 5th of 5 games. I missed my free throw to play in the 6th game and it was probably for the better.

I don't know what is in store this week. Celtics game Monday, work Tuesday through Thursday nights, work party on Friday night. Swamped.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

sore monkey: 12/10/08

That shitty little pussy workout killed me. I'm sore, a sore monkey if you will. I also only had about 45 minutes so I went out and just did an active and some light sprints.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

gym: 12/08/08

I'm back!

circuit x 2:
ninja warrior* - back and forth (in the cage put the vertical bars at the top most setting and then lay a 45 lb bar across. Do a pull up and then one side at a time slide the bar to the end of the cage and back
12 step ups
35 lb plate movement
lunges w/ 45 lb plate overhead
10 clap push ups
16 side lunges

5 @ 135
5 @ 185
5 @ 205

flat bench - why not?:
(2) 8 @ 135

*not exactly the same, but like the 2nd stage in this. I use this kind of cage. Instead of having the safety bars down low, i put them all the way to the top. Slide the bar over those and try to go front to end and then backwards. Fun.