Friday, December 26, 2008

gym: 12/26/08

My hamstring still hurts. That sucks cause I all i have done since nationals is a couple game of basketball a couple saturdays ago and climb a couple mountain/hills in Peru. I'm lifting, but not to explosively and I'm generally being pretty careful. I will be officially frustrated in 2 weeks probably.

Used a warm up Chris Frost sent me although I couldn't exactly remember it.

It was supposed to start with some fronts with just the bar, but I forgot and got right into the following:

A1 RDL's
(3) 10 @ 95

A2 front squat
(3) 10 @ 95

No rest between A1 and A2, just clean it up to front squat position and do them.

box squats: I haven't done these in a while. Weight didn't get up that high. I think the amount of weight is really dependent on how far you lean forward when you are coming off the box. Try getting up from the chair you are in without leaning forward while keeping your back in good squat form. Impossible right? So there has to be a little lean. Unless I guess you splay your legs out wide. Whatever, I thought the weight was fine for how little I was leaning forward.
(3) 5 @ 220

one DB lunges: Use one DB instead of two to work on the core while you lunge. I doubt i made this up, but I just thought it might be interesting to do.
(3) 12 @ 55

circuit: x 3, no rest between sets
1 minute heavy bag
5 med ball pushups elevated, 5 not elevated
30 sec side planks each side

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