Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Speed and Agility: Monday 3/13/7

This was abbreviated, but I am gonna count it anyways.

I led the dynamic stretching and added in some new ones that I have either always liked or seemed like they might work.

dynamic stretching:
high knees
butt kicks
(all 15 yds out, 15 yds backwards)
skips for height (15 yards)
squat jumps (10)
groiners (15 yards)
mountain climbers (10)
deep lunges with reach for the sky (15 yards)
openers (15 yards)
closers (15 yards)
dance step (15 yds out, 15 yds backwards)
knee to chest (15 yards)
iron crosses (10)
back to v's (10)

shuttle run:
4 times each
on your stomach, up, 10 yard sprint left, 20 yard sprint right, 20 yard sprint left; just like in gym class

box (5 yards x 8 yards):

4 corners (4 times)
sprint to the first cone, shuffle across to the next, back pedeal to the next, shuffle back across to finish.

diagonals (3 times):
sprint to the first cone (top left), chop, back pedal diagonally across the box (bottom right), sprint up to the next cone (top right), backpedal diagonally to the finish (bottom left).

football fields (3 times):
Hard to explain what this one looked like. I can't remember if I made it up or if I saw it on some website I can't remember. Basically it was sprint 10 yards, shuffle to your right 10 yards, sprint 10 yards shuffle to your left 10 yards, sprint 10 yards. From here we went back the way we came with back pedals. Backpedal 10 yards, shuffle right 10 yards, backpedal 10 yards, shuffle left 10 yards, backpedal 10 yards to the finish.

In all the drills we emphasized getting your butt low and pumping out arms on the backpedals, chopping our sprints, and being controlled in the shuffling portions.

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