Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Gym: 06/24/08

I am trying out something different at the gym these days. I am taking into account the fact that lifting heavy weights is not the only way to get an "ultimate" workout in the gym. I have a pretty specific routine when I go to the gym these days:
Active warm up
heavy lift/joint mobilization
supplementary lift/joint mobilization
supplementary lift/ joint mobilization

I have been talking/reading about "ultimate" workouts and I want to implement a few ideas.

I am going to change my active warmup to a more active warmup. Continuous warm ups incorporating jump rope with dynamic lower and upper body movements.

Next comes an explosive set of plyo exercises for both upper body and lower body.

Finally we end with heavier weight in multi joint exercises.

Here is how it broke down for me:

x 2 active:
jump rope (20, 20 lft foot, 20 rt foot, 20 double jumps)
1st set push! ups/2nd set push ups with feet on physio ball
side lunges
jump rope (20, 20 lft foot, 20 rt foot, 20 double jumps)
push! ups/push ups with feet on physio ball
jump rope (20, 20 lft foot, 20 rt foot, 20 double jumps)
push! ups/push ups with feet on physio ball

x 2 plyo:
8 bench step ups
hands on physio ball push ups
side shuffles with 25 lb weight overhead
jump-knee tuck pull ups

multi joint:
cleans (2) 6 @ 145
deadlifts (2) 6 @ 225
front squats (2) 8 @ 205
1 arm snatch (1) 4 @ 45, (2) 4 @ 55

This wasn't exactly right. My space is limited and equipment limiting so I will keep evolving it to fit my needs.

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