Monday, October 22, 2007

Practice: Sat and Sun 10/20-10/21

Last two practices of the year and my last post before nationals. Friday I didn't have time to do my agility workout and Monday I am getting a massage so that is it for workouts. I plan on getting some throwing in Tuesday and Wednesday along with getting up to speed a few times on Wednesday.

Practice was all right this weekend. We are losing steam as far as being able to get fired up point after point for playing against each other. I think we peaked intersquad intensity wise right before regionals. Over the past two months we have played one tough game against another team and the rest of the time, 16 days, 5 hours a day, we have played against each other. We did get up for the last point of Sunday after O had rattled off three or so in a row and practice had been called. There was a "we can't go out like that" shout that went up after this debacle so we got one more shot and pulled to the O. We had a great point of intense d that resulted in a throw away, which we turned into a goal. I don't know if the O felt the added intensity, but it was nice to go out with a little spunk.

The goal is in sight. Anything less than quarters will be a severe disappointment. It is easy to look forward, to assume wins and think about potential match-ups. Today and tomorrow I want to focus game by game and not day by day. Pike. Rhino. Sockeye. What do I have to do to be successful? I have to shut my man down, but to do that I have to know how he helps his team most. Long throws? Deep cuts? and play accordingly. On offense? Move the disc quickly, hit the deep throws when open and high percentage, and get the disc off the sideline with chips and patience.


Quentin P. Live said...

ben, don't forget your ultimate gear this week

andrewsaltz said...

Good luck, duder.

Brandon said...

see you down there and good luck. make your pulls catchable. - brandon

Josh Mullen said...

So Faust,

Since you haven't updated your blog in a while. Am I to assume you are attacking the off-season just as aggressively as you did last year?

I am really interested in seeing your workouts for the winter.

I'm gonna get jacked like a bird-cage over winter. Just watch out, I might be up to 152 lbf by the end of winter.


Ben said...

Im taking two weeks off while I wait for work to settle down. Im gonna start back at the gym on Monday.

Josh Mullen said...

i swear ben, i am going to start writing your blog for you if you don't start it back up. it will be all about how i perceive your day to be.

a sample....

10:15 AM, got up to take a bathroom break. While doing lunges down the hallway, I noticed that there was a heavy looking box in the hall just challenging to pick it up and put down several times. I could hear it mocking me.

10:17 AM, I lifted the shit out of that box. puny box. Don't ever doubt me.

10:18 AM, finally get to the bathroom, quads are burning from the squats.... burning is good.

10:22 AM, Done flexing in the mirror. Time to lunge back.....


Ben said...

Good comment Josh. Once you start deadlifting you do walk around thinking about whether or not you could pick something up.

I hung out in DC this spring for a weekend and after a bit of boozing we walked home and came upon a closed down hot dog stand. There was something to hold onto and it looked semi mobile so why not try and pick it up? I got into DL position and went at it about 75%, realized I was becoming my own worst enemy, a meathead, let go, got up to fast and slammed my forehead onto an edge of one of the metal signs protruding from the cart gouging out a pinky nail scoop of skin from my forehead and leaving me trailing blood all the way home. I won't be so quick to try and pick stuff up.