Monday, February 4, 2008

Links: 02/04/08

Mullen sent me this the other day after we talked about whether or not you needed to lift heavy to get in ultimate shape. I like the workouts and the text is interesting if you are into that tyoe of stuff. One thing to remember is that depth jumps and other plyos are made for short term gains. They shock the muscle into contracting quicker. It is not something you want to do year round because you will lose the shock value and your muscles should not be put under that kind of stress for more than a couple months at a time. Two, two month cycles a year: one preseason and one right before the series should suffice.

Continuing on targeted heavy lifting this article also has some great suggestions for an ultimate player who wants to be getting the most out of a lifting session. It is lifting intensive for the majority of us, but if you could even fit in one or two of those lifting days a week you would be better for it.

The deadlift is a great exercise and easier than some of the power exercises mentioned in the previous article. Check out Eric Cressey's May-June deadlifting series for how to do it, how not to do it, and for variations.

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