Sunday, February 17, 2008

Practice: 02/15/08

Agility: 2 box variations and then a back pedal, release out on an angle deep, cut under, backpedal, release on a thrown disc.

(3 laps) 3 person piggy back relay: A carries B 20 yards with C running along side, A drops B, B picks up C for 20 yards while A runs along side, B drops C, C picks up A for 20 yards with B along side, when they reach the next marker everyone sprints back to the beginning and starts over.

(2 laps) 15 yards two foot bounding, 15 yards lunge jumps, 15 yard sprint, 10 pushups, 15 yard sprint, 10 situps, 15 yard sprint, 10 squat hops knee to chest.

And there was gonna be one more, but the we ran out of time. I hope i get to do it next time.

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