Saturday, June 28, 2008

Boston Invite: 06/28/08 - 06/28/08

Mephisto - won

Pike - won

NY - won
The only game worth commenting on. This maybe the 3rd time we have played them this spring and I am sure we will manage to play them a couple more times as well. We were 2-0 against them this year, but 0-2 in the first half. The O-line seemed to fall right back into the early deficit. They were completely erratic, but extremely consistent. Erratic in the sense that they turned it on every other point of the 1st half, consistent in that someone would get a block every time or Pony would toss it away. Brutal to watch. Our failed to produce a single turn in the first half, but then a few points into the 2nd Dave H grabbed a D and we were off and over the next couple points we collected 3-4 breaks. Ballgame.


Pheonix - Won
They had some pretty athletic dudes, but very little disc discipline.

Great Britain - 13-12 won
They took half 8-6 on two breaks or so. We played a very lazy 1st half probably thinking we could coast because of the beating we laid on them Friday. We came back with a more fired up second half and had the disc on their goaline at 11-10 to win the game. They scored, we scored, they scored, on an amazing layout in the back of the endzone, to tie it at 12-12's and bring on double game. Despite a foul contest for a huck, we scored relatively easily to win.

GOAT - Won
This game really came down to who was in better shape and we are. Rotating a huge roster in and out of games kept us fresh right up until our victory sprints. They kept with us early as we exchanged breaks, but they were getting lucky and our d was wearing them down and forcing them into bad decisions. Fatigue started taking its toll as the second half moved on especially after one of their best handlers got his ankle tweaked in a scrum for jump ball and that is when we turned the screws and they folded.

I played allright in each game. Only got toasted deep once, but it was bad. Missed a deep d by a couple inches, missed another when as I tripped over the offenders legs. Came down on the wrong mark once and cost us a point. One pull out of bounds because it didn't turn over, another one that I didn't get high enough that went out the back, but I am very happy with 2 of 25.

I feel like I cut well when I cut. There is still a lot of commotion that makes me hesitant to cut and I end up waiting to long especially near the endzone. Three turnovers on the weekend. One on a huck to an open guy taking not a great angle that hung and got d'd. Probably should have pumped. One on a huck to a poached guy that just came off to hot and forced him out the back of the endzone. One on a backhand huck in the goat game where I got crossed up with my receiver. That one killed me cause it was before we mounted our surge and it probably would have opened the flood gates earlier. Two goals thrown, 4 goals caught, no drops.


brent said...

that first "turnover" was my fault. you should say that you had 2 turnovers and 1 brent.

Ben said...

I wish I knew who was still checking this thing.

This is probably just between us so Ill keep it as is, but internally I will lower my TO count for the weekend.