Thursday, February 21, 2013


I hate how the title looks with multiple dates hence the lack of them.  Big things go on here and I report on them all.

I was in Key West last week and I am not sure there is a single gym on the key.  They are weeks away from getting a crossfit gym which would have been a delight, but with nothing in place I made Dew.

Alexis' sister's boyfriend crafted a ring game with a carabiner, some sort of hook he found nailed up elsewhere on the deck and fishing wire. For many reasons I am including this pony-tail ridden video for reference:

Anyways ours was about double/triple that distance and the carabiner made it even more difficult.  Eventually we got tired of single shots so we made it continuous, like tether ball, where you get one touch to redirect the pendulating carabiner so that it ends up on the hook.  It was nearly impossible and we were betting reps of a certain exercise for every rep missed before hooking it.  After 103 he won the push up round and after 94 he won the squat round.  After 200 reps no one made the HSPU round so we split them (1 for every 5 = 20 each). Maybe it was the 100 pushups but I barely managed 12 HSPU.  Yuck.

The next day we went for a 5 mile run.  I haven't run that far since college. Halfway through we saw a guy reel in a baby hammerhead shark.  I wanted to take a bite to see if I could channel its shark power towards a successful 2.5 more miles of running, but he threw it back quickly and we were off. There was something about hitting the 2.5 mile mark that inspired me and I cruised back. 

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