Sunday, July 5, 2009

07/05/09: independence

Imagine two trips through NY this weekend and no traffic either way. This of course means that on a Tuesday night at like 10:30 pm this month we are gonna get stuck for like 2 hours on a random spot on 91, but it was worth the 2 sub 5 hour trips this weekend. I did manage to talk myself out of bringing my running shoes because I thought I could get a complete workout in on the beach, but it was probably for the better cause I pushed it this past week and should make sure my body is ready for consecutive weeks like this.

On Friday night we went for a walk and ended up on a track with high hurdles that I spent about 5 minutes jumping over while Alexis and her sister walked the track. I felt springy and was gonna try and take down the fence around the track. I'd say there was about a 85% chance for success, but the Johnson family have enough experience/terror with me trying to jump/climb/hike/leap over things that I thought I'd come back and do it alone at some point.

On Saturday I didn't take into account how packed the beach was gonna be so it wasn't easy finding some real estate to run on. I ended up getting a decent sized space and ran some sprint intervals, 10 steps as hard as I could, 10 steps to slow down, repeat 5-6 times. On the track you wouldn't have been able to stop in 10 steps, but on the beach you come to almost an instant stop. Running in sand is really hard especially when it's getting up into the 90's. The worst part really was how hot the sand was after I'd stop each time. I think I did this like 3-4 times and then went for a decent swim. Nothing crazy, but I was sweating balls.

Sunday we went for a 3 mile walking loop along the canals. It was a beautiful day except for the blister wreaking bloody havoc on my achilles, which I eventually applied 5 band aids to.

MON: gym, plan is to push the prowler, do some front squats, some rack pulls (blister on my palm from playing on a ropes course might prevent this), some reverse lunges from defecit
TUE: off
WED: track
THUR: work/off
FRI: gym
SAT: ultimate?
SUN: track


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