Thursday, July 30, 2009

runnin: 07/30/09

My legs felt awful heavy from this. It's either cause I did the sled workout last night or I'm hitting a bit of a wall. I might take some extended rest next week to see if I can work out the heaviness.

3 x 6-cone drill
rest is 3 to 1 so about 45 seconds between reps

2 min

3 x 6-cone drill

2 min

3 x tennis ball drill
3 to 1 rest to work

2 min

3 x tennis ball drill

5 minutes

3 x 0, 15, 0, 25, 0, 40, jog 40, 40
1:30 min between reps

3 min

5 x 15 s work* into 40 yd sprints (start one rep every 45 s)

3 min

3 x 0, 15, 0, 25, 0, 40, jog 40, 40

3 min

5 x 15 s work* into 40 yd sprints (start one rep every 45 s)

3 min

1 x 0, 15, 0, 25, 0, 40, jog 40, 40


*Plyo exercises for each set are:
tuck jump (
fast feet
mountain climbers (
toe touch ( - #7 on the list, ignore the medicine ball)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

runnin: 07/29/09

Up on the hill for a speed workout.

one legged broad jumps
two legged broad jumps
one legged bounding
two legged bounding
starts from prone
15 yard sled drags
10 yard 85% to 10 yard 100% drags
10 yard drags, let go of sled, 10 yard sprints (while i was doing this Alexis' earphone got wrapped around a knot in the rope and the head popped right off)
pull throughs
side drags
front drags
one footed jumps for height
two footed jumps for height

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Got some throws and an active in instead of the gym. To much to do.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Mini: 07/27/09

I moved on Sunday. Awkward heavy lifting, check. We rented a Ryder truck that was filthy and only went 40 mph on hills, which there seem suddenly to be a lot of on the pike, but it got worked although it killed my back, which leads me to some disappointing news to my readership. 400 won't be conquered today. I don't think 300 could be conquered today. My back is still sore from last week's field workout and lifting heavy doesn't seem like the ideal way to get it back in shape. Good news is that I am contact with a few people in NY who have some information on gyms where I can get what i need so I am not giving up hope yet on the 400 for this season. By January 1st 2010 I hope to be up to 425.

Mini was fun. Although I have been running at least twice a week it has all been from one cone to another. It is a little different to have that cone moving all over the place and deciding how long and far the sprint will be. It took me a few games to get my legs under me, but eventually I was playing well. My team started off weak, but finished strong. Lots of tired ultimate, which is a great situation to be practice.

I will probably go to the gym today. I will take what it gives me.

Tue: gym/work
Wed: work/throwing
Thurs: trackish
Fri: off
Sat: PRACTICE!!!! finally
Sun: Practice/final move
Mon: Brooklyn! job? gym? who knows

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Runnin: 07/25/09

It was hot today for the first time in a while. It was genuinely chilly last night.

8 x jog 30/sprint 30


8 x jog 30/sprint 30


8 x jog 30/sprint 30


4 x's 15 out, 10 in, 40 out with walk backs


3 x's 15 out, 10 in, 40 out jog backs


3 x's 15 out, 10 in, 40 out jog backs


10 out, 10 in, 5 out, 10 jog x 3 except on last rep sprint 20 instead of 5


10 out, 10 in, 5 out, 10 jog x 3 except on last rep sprint 20 instead of 5


10 out, 10 in, 5 out, 10 jog x 3 except on last rep sprint 20 instead of 5


(2) 5 x 15 yard hill sprints

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Liftin: 07/23/09

I've been spoiled by being healthy and making time to go to the gym. As I said before I managed to tweak my back during some part of the workout yesterday and my left upper arm is feeling weird, but overall I've been doing well. I say that to preface my complaint with my back. It is more of a nuisance than anything else because I want to try for my 1rm deadlift next week, probably on Tuesday. I am secretly I deloaded a bit this week and went for a little higher reps with less weight.

sled pull:
2 x 40 yds @ 135
2 X 40 yds @ 160
2 X 40 yds @ 180
2 X 40 yds @ 205

safety bar squats:
(2) 6 @ 225
(1) 6 @ 245

pull throughs
(1) 8 @ 45
(2) 8 @ 80

reverse lunges from defecit
(3) 8 @ 40

pallof press

bowler squats

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

running and running and running: 07/22/09

I liked this workout, so much I don't even want to share it with you, but you won't really know it till you run it with a bunch of your teammates so if you want to nut up and do it, more power to you.

8 x 25yd jog, 25yd run (80%), 25yd sprint (100%), 25yd walk

3 min rest

8 x 25yd jog, 25yd run (80%), 25yd sprint (100%), 25yd walk

6 minutes

4 sets of

25 yards (or 5) continuous double leg bounding for distance
10 stationary lunge jumps
25 yards bear crawls for speed
10 knee tucks for height (stay in the same place)

2 minutes between sets and every time you start a set, start with a different exercise

5 minutes

USA Box Sprints: Ask someone on your team who tried out, its hard to explain
2 sets of 2 reps
give yourself about 5 x's what it took you to do 1 rep at full speed
2 minutes between sets

3 minutes

3 x's
0, 10, 0, 20, 0, 30, 0
1 min between reps

3 mins

3 x's
(sprint) 0, 10, 0, (jog) 20, 0, (sprint) 30, 0, 10, 0, (jog) 20, 0, (sprint) 30, 0
1 min between reps

3 mins

1 time through the following:
0, 10, 0, 20, 0, 30, 0
30 secs
(sprint) 0, 10, 0, (jog) 20, 0, (sprint) 30, 0, 10, 0, (jog) 20, 0, (sprint) 30, 0

This had me dry heaving, but it felt great and despite a little tightness in my back of all places I think I will be ready to lift tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

lifting: 07/21/09

I think I messed up my arm tossing some kids around at a work social. I felt my left bicep immediately feel weird, but I wasn't to concerned. I headed into the gym today and right from the first lift it hurt. I was benching for the first time in a while and the pain started moving from my bicep into my tri and it was getting progressively worse. I persisted cause I am stupid and got all the way into pull ups and pushups before I decided to shut it down. I am sure it will be fine, but no more upper body for a few days.

A1 flat bench
5 @ 185
(3) 5 @ 205

A2 chest supported row
(3) 8 @ 80

B1 pull ups
5 @ 1/2 vest

B2 push ups
(2) 10 @ 1/2 vest

Monday, July 20, 2009

Throwing: 07/20/09

My legs were real sore from yesterday's stair portion of the speed and power workout so I didn't go to the gym and instead returned late night to the hill to shake out my muscles and work on my hucks.

Google analytics tells me I have a decent following again and I know a bunch of you are decent ultimate players so I have a question. Let's see if we can get 5 responses.

How often do you practice your throws? When you practice them how often do you think of mechanics? Do you just grip it and rip it? I've been having golf swing type problems with my backhand and in the past have had similar problems with my flick huck where the throw just wasn't going where I wanted it to with the angle and speed that I wanted. So I would get creative with wrist angles, arm positions, arm speed to see if something clicked. I even studied tape from time to time so I could visualize some guys with great backhand hucks. Take for instance Bailey Russells backhand huck. I want to marry it. Make it mine forever. I'd treat it to a nice dinner, well maybe the first night would just be tacos or something as I figured out if it was reliable, and then eventually just hope that it would be ok with just being seen with me on a pretty consistent basis. I highly suggest taking a look at it in the 2004 nationals video.

So that is what I have been working at on the hill. What is my most consistent backhand huck form when I am a: standing with the disc in the middle of the field; b: going from catcher to thrower near the backhand sideline and c: pumping the flick on the flick sideline and then tossing the backhand while the cutter turns the page

So anyone else think about mechanics? I'll share some ideas if anyone is interested cause I have been through a shit load of different forms especially on the backhand.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

07/19/09: Speed Day


high knee skips
2 x's 3

hurdle hops
2 x single, double, quad jumps @ lowest height
2 x single, double, quad jumps @ next height

long jumps
4 @ jump, pause, jump...
4 @ jump, gather, jump...
4 @ jump, jump, jump...

Steps at Harvard
2 x's big steps, big, little, big, big, little; 1:30 between reps, 4 min between sets

sled pulls
2 x's 2 reps of 15 yard full speed drags @ 50
1 x's 2 reps of 75% to 100% @ 50

shuttles: 6, 12, 12
2 laying down facing straight
1 laying down facing right
1 laying down facing left
4 approach, hop, go

games and games and pole climbing: 07/19/09

On Saturday night after grazing a "how hard can you punch" thing twice, I finally adjusted and got a decent score. 2nd best in the bar that night. It was a small bar. I had said if I did well I would show some self restraint and not just spring back for more. And despite some "5 years from now are we gonna talk about that time you got second place at that punching game?" talk, I held firm, until the guy with the best score, perhaps inspired by my untapped potential, actually gave me a dollar to go do it again. I fucking drilled that thing the 4th time and now we can all talk about me being the hardest puncher at TC's on July 17th, 2009.

On Saturday we played a lot of wiffle ball and stump. These dudes are playing stump, but ours was about 1 foot off the ground and we were way more aggressive. It was more like trying to hit an elusive mouse with a huge mallet.

On Sunday I had to run my last big party. I had to climb a thick lamp post three times and my feet kept slipping so I had to just rely on my hands, which took a lot out of me and might have caused me to tweak my left bicep.

Friday, July 17, 2009

07/17/09: Liftin'

warm up with a couple ladders and some heavy bag work

front squat:
5 @ 225
5 @ 225
3 @ 245
3 @ 265
3 @ 275: i might of had a little bit left after this for a shot at 285, but there was no one around who could help.

step ups: bench sized step. rested foot on the step and lifted the back foot a touch off the ground, pause, up
(3) 8 each leg @ full vest

GHR: im still not as strong at this as I want to be. it's really the only thing that is still lacking and I think it is because it is such a unique movement and during my hammy stuff I couldn't do it. I would like to be holding a 25 lb plate in two weeks.
5 @ 0
5 @ red band
7 @ red band

Thursday, July 16, 2009

07/16/09: Running

First an awesome video on a dude from my gym. I went to and saw his face front and center on the home page.

As for me back to the track and field. It is getting humid. Late July is notoriously the worst part of the year for trackworkouts, but it has been so mild that there is no room for complaint.

3 sets of the 9 cone drill
1 minute between sets

3 minutes

4 sets of kolt's box drill: 30 on 1:30 off

3 minutes

200 m
60 secs
200 m

4 minutes

4 min tabata
15s sprint, 15s jog

6 minutes

5 x 60m
4 man relay or 20 seconds between sprints

3 minutes

5 x 60m
4 man relay or 20 seconds between sprints

3 minutes

60 secs
200 m


That tabata messed me up and I lost track of reps and got completely psyched out. I might do this again on Sunday just cause I sucked so bad at it this time.

29,29,27,29 on the 200's, which were a real fun way to start and end the workout.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Toss: 07/15/09

Threw for 45 minutes. I bring 6 discs up to the park that sits on top of Chelsea, which is right next to my apartment. The Boston sky line looms huge in the distance. It's just me and a perfect night. Well and there is the guy who is always sitting on the bench 50 yards away that faces the skyline. I feel like one day he is gonna get off the bench, approach me and have no face or something. And there is the guy who had like terrible cysts on his hands and they had to remove his lymph nodes and a piece of his skull. He talks to me about everything while his pitbull licks the sweat from my legs. I hate pitbulls, mostly cause they scare the shit out of me. It is like looking into the eyes of someone that would just as well beat the shit out you then make conversation.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

gym: 07/14/09

Quick active and jump rope warm up

jumping, overhead 30 lb med ball throws (i need to make a video) with jumps for height after

reverse sled drags
(3) 2 x 30 yards @ 135

box squats with buffalo bar: like this dude, but without the chains and with a shirt on (i know, surprising)
4 @ 225
3 @ 275
4 @ 275
4 @ 275
3 @ 295
3 @ 315: i was bouncing up to fast I realized after. I don't want to rock back like the dude in the video, but I want to let my butt drift a bit farther back than natural, touch the box with my butt, let the box take some of, but not all, of my weight, and then fire back up so the 315 barely counts

walking lunges:
6 @ 45
6 @ 50
6 @ 50

And had to leave for work. More work tomorrow night so I have to go off schedule a bit and make Thursday my track workout day. Hopefully I will get to throw a little more tomorrow night.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Tossin: 07/13/09

I made an executive decision to go hang out at home and not rush to the gym before I had to head back to work. Walking around and talking to people always takes longer than I think it is going to take. I ended up talking with these two dudes who live in one of the worst sections of the worst streets in Chelsea about what is going on there. They are most likely well above average in income and education levels for the street and they are just about done with the street after like three weekends in a row of fights, domestic disturbances and tons of public intoxication. The block has so many problems that it is hard to convince people that anything can help, but that is what I try to do as well as offer up all my contacts in the police department and at city hall to try to show them that people care.

Anyways it meant that I got home near 8:30 instead of 7:30 cause I kept forgetting where shit was in our new Market Basket which is like the biggest supermarket on the east coast or something. I cooked this cause I bought a can of harissa on whim like 3 months ago and I wanted to use it. It was good.

Headed up to the hill for some hucks and an active. My intention was to get up to the hill at least once a week, but life has intervened so this is my first time since the invite. I need to make my backhand huck more consistent and I am trying to figure out how to do that. I would love to have a big arching OI that can catch some wind and carry, but I might be better at ripping a tight, lower straight ball with a bit more OI release point. I think the latter is actually better with a mark on. The release point is more point blockable but the follow through is much more compact as opposed to really flailing to get the big OI to carry. Always more work to do.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

beach sprints: 07/12/09

I took Saturday off and headed up to Newburyport to talk team workout stuff. We managed to sneak a workout in before hand on the beach.

4 x's tennis ball drill

3 x's 6 cone drill

(3) 3 x's 15 yard get up and go

6ish 50 yard sprints

(3) fake d points:
30 yard sprint, 10 yards out, 10 in, 10 out, 10 seconds fast feet, 10 in, 10 out, 10 in, fast feet, 30 out
1 minute rest

Friday, July 10, 2009

gym: 07/10/09

Before I forget.


3 x's
jump rope for 2:30 -
100 regular, increasing speed
50, every other foot
50, left, left, right, right
as many reg, reg, left, left, right, right, l, r, l, r (i do these last 4 reps as fast as possible) as I can do before time is up

pound the heavy bag for 30 seconds

1 minute rest

3 x's:
A1: 4 x's 450 lb tire flip
A2: 10 x's 20 lb sledge hammer slams (5 each side)
A3: 5 burpees (on jump get up onto tire)
good rest

I asked one of the trainers why my shoulders were getting so fucked up by the tires and he said it was cause i was doing it right. Sweet. He suggested I move up to the 650 lb tire, which would supposedly fit me better. It did, but it was full of crazy big grooves that were hard to get a hold of. It was also 650 lbs. I could get it up, but then I would have to brace it with my knee and then push it over where you are supposed to do it all in one motion. The worst part was getting that wobbly fucker back in its place. Rolling a 650 lb tire is not like rolling a regular car tire. It goes where it wants which meant at one point I was doing a "whoa, whoa, whoa" like in the movies when you don't want the elephant you are leading by a leash to crush the fence and flower garden of the woman you are trying to woo. That may not be a movie, but you get it. So it took me a solid couple minutes to roll it like 20 yards and it only fell over once luckily in the parking lot and not on somebody stretching inside.

deadlift: This gym is kind of firing me up to lift more. Everytime you go in people are moving heavy weight. Watch the first minute of there exercise of the month videos.

It fires you up to go big. Today it was low rep deadlifts with chains.

2 @ 225
2 @ 225 + 40ish lbs of chain
2 @ 275 + 40
2 @ 275 + 80
2 @ 275 + 80
2 @ 275 + 80
2 @ 275 + 120: I should have just done this again, but like I said above you get inspired so...
0 @ 275 + 160: even after a couple years of deadlifting, I can't remember missing a lift. I think this means that I'm not being aggressive enough. I wasn't really that close, my legs straighten pretty quickly and Im just not ready to have all that wait just on my lower back. This is the form that scares me a bit, not to mention what amounts to a full large person more he is lifting.

He barely has any knee bend. Yikes. His name is Mailbox and I saw him deadlift 730 lbs a couple weeks ago. That is the bar filled to each side with 45's. Ska-doosh!

Back to my day.

5 @ 0
3 @ 25, 3 @ 0
3 @ 25, 3 @ 0

one legged squats:
8 each leg with 1/2 the weight vest on

box jumps:
5 double leg @ 1/2 the vest
5 single leg 1/2 the vest

during the GHR's and and squats/jumps i did pull ups

4 @ 1/2 the vest
5 @ 1/2 the vest
10: this made me feel good

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Work: 07/09/09

We had a -uuuge meeting last night, one of my last big ones as an organizer in Chelsea. Sad. I didn't do anything workout wise, but because half of my posts concern leaving a workout early or getting to a workout late becuase of my job and for the reason that I think my job is interesting, I will give a little breakdown of the night.

I direct the Community Engagement Department of a Community Development Corporation called Chelsea Neighborhood Developers. For the past 9 months we have been working with staff of the City's Planning and Development Department to think of ways that we can improve three of the most challenged streets in Chelsea. They have some of the highest crime and poverty rates in the city and Chelsea's averages are high for the state to begin with. We have gone through all of the challenges facing the streets from trash and safety to overpopulation and poor neighborhood design and come up with some solutions we think possible. In order maximize, 1st our ability to assess the situation correctly and 2nd our ability to develop solutions we are having community visioning sessions or charrettes as they are known in the biz....nasss world or something. We were lucky enough to partner with CDRC, a non profit that matches non profits like us to architects and urban designers and they hooked us up with some professionals who have been helping us work through some potential ideas. In order to bridge the neighborhood knowledge gap we host these community visioning sessions where residents and stake holders give the architects information on what is and isn't working in the neighborhood. The architects then come back with ideas on how to improve on what is not working. Here is lead architect David Gamble talking about how to improve the litter situation.

The residents then brokeout into groups to discuss the merits of these ideas. Once we convene all these ideas the CDRC group will put together a document that along with their design ideas will contain other social and economic plans for improving what is not working in the neighborhood.

I guess I am writing about it because it was a great meeting. Over 40 residents attended from streets that have been noted for their lack of civic engagement. The Chief of Police came, as well as representatives from city hall.

Imagine how much i could deadlift if I had a regular job? Sometimes/sometime soon I wish to have more of a 9-6 job where I can leave work at work a little more, but the highs and lows of this job are what make it so interesting. It is unique to have a job where if you are unsuccessful you feel like it's because people don't like you. You become very familiar with a very large group of people 300+ who you tend to trust and rely on to take time out of their crazy lives so that your work is successful. So when people come to events you organize you feel like people like you, like you had a party and that evite you sent out with an amazingly long invite list was fulfilled.

I ultimately won't be a part of whether or not the charrettes work, which is hard, and there is so much more to my job than these charrettes. No matter what CND does with the groundwork I have established, I can always fall back on some great relationships I've made over the years.

Just some thoughts on a non-workout day that I wanted to save on the WWW.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

07/08/09: track and field

Not your typical track and field.

on the track:

2 reps of 2 laps of jog 50 m, sprint 50 m; 4 minutes between reps

5 minutes

5 reps of a 4 x 100 m relay or if you don't have enough dudes: 5 reps of 100 m, 30 seconds rest

on the field:

fake d points:
3 sets of 2 reps - 50 (yd sprint) in, 10 out, 10 in, 10 out, 10 seconds fast feet, 10 in, 10 out, 10 in, 10 sec rest, 10 out, 10 in, 10 out, 10 secs fast feet, 10 in, 50 out; 1 min between reps, 3 min between sets

3 minutes

fake o points:
3 sets of 2 reps - 15 (yd sprint) out, 15 in, 5 out, 10 jog, 15 in, 15 out, 5 in, 10 jog, 15 out, 15 in, 30 out; 1 min between reps, 3 minutes between sets

Lot's of "fuuuuck" and "im gonna poop myself" but we battled through and even ran the fake points with some conviction.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

07/07/09: I need a job

Got stuck at work late applying for jobs. Who wants to find me a job in NY? Dinner with Alexis, her sister and her cousin. More job stuff at home. I wanted to get up to the hill and launch some discs and do an active, which is supposed to be my Tuesday routine, but I just worked on applications till I went to bed.

I started looking into gyms in NYC. I wonder if any gym would be interested in giving me a discount if I was only gonna go for 1.5 hours on Mondays. Probably not. I looked into crossfit which they have in brooklyn. $300 for like a month of training/certification then $160 a month after. Fuck. That. Seriously I could "crossfit" in a park with about $30 worth of equipment and some low hanging branches.

Monday, July 6, 2009

07/06/09: gym

Monday will be my heavy day until August when I am forced to leave my gym that I am slightly falling love with. Now that I can lift with the big boys , in the sense that I'm no longer worried about my hamstring, I feel like I can finally start looking people in the eye instead of moping around and doing one legged squats with no weight. So Monday's will be heavy.

prowler push : i did it the right way this time. 30 yards ish down and back. Worked on powerful starts and fast feet throughout.
3 @ 50
4 @ 100

safety bar squat : the safety bar is just another squat variation to be filed among back squats, front squats, box squats, etc. It de-stabilizes the weight a bit and makes it hang straight down, which shifts the poundage to your hamstrings a bit more and also makes it so you don't have to hold the weight at all.
(2) 5 @ 235
(1) 5 @ 255
(1) 5 @ 265

rack pulls: i always have trouble re-racking this without a. hurting my back or b. making the most noise in the world. You are supposed to be able to rack pull more than you can deadlift, a lot more, but the rack position was a bit awkward for me so I might be hanging it a bit too low.

reverse lunges from defecit:
(3) 8 @ 35

This will be a typical Monday gym day. On Thursday's or Friday's I will work on a more total body, circuit, agenda.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

07/05/09: independence

Imagine two trips through NY this weekend and no traffic either way. This of course means that on a Tuesday night at like 10:30 pm this month we are gonna get stuck for like 2 hours on a random spot on 91, but it was worth the 2 sub 5 hour trips this weekend. I did manage to talk myself out of bringing my running shoes because I thought I could get a complete workout in on the beach, but it was probably for the better cause I pushed it this past week and should make sure my body is ready for consecutive weeks like this.

On Friday night we went for a walk and ended up on a track with high hurdles that I spent about 5 minutes jumping over while Alexis and her sister walked the track. I felt springy and was gonna try and take down the fence around the track. I'd say there was about a 85% chance for success, but the Johnson family have enough experience/terror with me trying to jump/climb/hike/leap over things that I thought I'd come back and do it alone at some point.

On Saturday I didn't take into account how packed the beach was gonna be so it wasn't easy finding some real estate to run on. I ended up getting a decent sized space and ran some sprint intervals, 10 steps as hard as I could, 10 steps to slow down, repeat 5-6 times. On the track you wouldn't have been able to stop in 10 steps, but on the beach you come to almost an instant stop. Running in sand is really hard especially when it's getting up into the 90's. The worst part really was how hot the sand was after I'd stop each time. I think I did this like 3-4 times and then went for a decent swim. Nothing crazy, but I was sweating balls.

Sunday we went for a 3 mile walking loop along the canals. It was a beautiful day except for the blister wreaking bloody havoc on my achilles, which I eventually applied 5 band aids to.

MON: gym, plan is to push the prowler, do some front squats, some rack pulls (blister on my palm from playing on a ropes course might prevent this), some reverse lunges from defecit
TUE: off
WED: track
THUR: work/off
FRI: gym
SAT: ultimate?
SUN: track


Thursday, July 2, 2009

gym: 07/02/09

My hamstring is back so I am back. I don't know what I am committing to, but I would like to post every work day morning for the next week. During July I want to lift Monday, take Tuesday off, track/cardio on Wednesday, Thurs lift, Fri off, something cardio/spaq related.

deadlift with hex bar
5 @ 225
5 @ 275
3 @ 295
3 @ 315
3 @ 335

My grip isn't great and I tore up my hands, but I don't that is a bad starting point.

(3) 16 @ 45

(2) 5 @ 0
(1) 5 @ 25

A2 wheel roll outs with band
(3) 5

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

07/01/09: Speed and Change of Direction


4 min tabata
6 minutes rest

(10) 0, 5 yd, 0, 10 yd suicides (3:1 work to rest ratio, or run them in a group of four)
2 minutes rest

(5) 0, 10 yd, 0, 15 yd (3:1 work to rest ratio, or run them in a group of four)
2 minutes rest

(3) 0, 10 yd, 0, 15 yd, 0, 20 yds (3:1 work to rest ratio, or run them in a group of four)
2 minutes rest

(3) 0, 10 yd, 0, 15 yd, 0, 20 yds (3:1 work to rest ratio, or run them in a group of four)
3 minutes rest

4 x 100 yard sprints w/ walk backs

The tabata as always is impossible. The first two reps go well and then I just lose it and rebound for like every other. Cause i was alone I used the timer on my watch for the suicides. I messed up the 3:1 rest to work and did 2:1 for the 10 reps of 0,5,0,10 which came to about 14 secs off, instead of 20 off. Whatever. The 10,15 i did 30 sec break. 10,15,20 was 50 off. I only managed 4 of 6 100's for a number of excuses. 1. my body was falling apart, but not my hamstring, yeah. 2. A dude I work with at city hall arrived at the track as i was finishing my 3rd 100, i had my shirt off, it was weird. 3. I had to leave for work.