Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Weights: Tuesday 4/24/7

I had my last day of active release therapy today and I definitely feel better, but I am gonna take 2 more weeks off of active stuff cause it fits into my schedule nicely.

romanian deadlifts: I just realized I have no idea how much weight I did so this is guess work.
10 @ 135
5 @ 155
5 @ 175
5 @ 195
5 @ 205
5 @ 225

step ups on a decline bench: these guys are fun. It really stresses the hamstring.
(3) 10

good mornings:
10 @ 95
10 @ 155
10 @ 115

(3) 10

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Weights: Monday 4/23/07

max effort incline bench:
5 @ 135
5 @ 155
5 @ 175
5 @ 185
5 @ 195
4 @ 205

(3) 10

back/delt superset
bent over row with barbell:
10 @ 70
10 @ 95
10 @ 95

10 @ 20
10 @ 20
10 @ 25

bradford press: This was almost to much after a lot fo shoulders already on the day and with the cleans from yesterday.
10 @ 105
10 @ 105
9 @ 105

Zottman Curls:
6 @ 25
8 @ 25
------- I was tired and these things are killers

ab circuit:
3 of 20 bicycles
3 of 15 swiss ball crunches
3 of 20 knee raises

Monday, April 23, 2007

weights: Sunday 4/22/07

dynamic weights day: Something I want to incorporate into Saturday but couldn't because of other plans and won't be able to because of a trip to Florida and Northeast regionals.

dynamic box squats: 50% of 1RM 2 reps as fast as you can 8 times with rest between sets
(1) 2 @ 135
(1) 2 @ 155
(6) 2 @ 185

6 @ 135
5 @ 155
5 @ 155

split jerks: my wrists were killin me after the cleans and really made these uncomfortable.
6 @ 135
5 @ 155
4 @ 155

4 @ 155

Weights: Thursday 4/19/07

I got busy on Friday and couldn't write about this so I am not sure if I am going to remember all of it.

max reps pullups:
(2) 14 @ 45 assistance
(1) 13 @ 45 assistance

flat bench dumbbells: palms in
(3) 10 @ 65

lat/back superset:
lat pull downs: using the small row v handles do a lat pull down while trying to pry the v apart. It makes you engage a lot of different muscles and it also doesn't let you cheat and use to much of your arms.
(3) 10 @ 155

trap raises:
10 @ 155
9 @ 155
8 @ 155

shoulder rack lockout: in the cage set the safety bar so you can sit and the barbell rests right on the top of your head. Load the barbell up with way more than you can shoulder press and "lockout" the weight, bring it back down to the safety bars and do it again.
10 @ 135
10 @ 155
6 @ 175

bi/tri superset
standing curls: thick bar
10 @ 65
10 @ 75
10 @ 80

decline skull crushers: thick bar
10 @ 65
10 @ 75
10 @ 75

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Weights: Tuesday 4/17/7

This was supposed to be a max effort day, but my achilles makes me scared to do so and my lower back still felt week from deadlifts the week before. Doing this on Tuesday will make it possible to do a dynamic day on Sat or Sun.

(1) 8 @ 135
(1) 8 @ 155
(1) 8 @ 205
(1) 8 @ 225
(1) 6 @ 245

split squats: (# sets) x's per leg @ 2 (x) lb dumbbells
(3) 10 @ 25

pulls throughs:
(3) 10 @ 100

grip machine:
(1) @ 55; (1) @ 60; (1) @ 65
(1) @ 55; (1) @ 60: (1) @ 65; (1) @ 70

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Weights: Monday 4/16/7

My ankle took a beating standing for hours and hours while watching Northeastern put themselves in position to take the 2nd seed in the metro boston section. I was pretty gimpy on Sunday, but feel a lot better today and of course it couldn't stop me from doing my upper body beach workout.

max effort bench: wow it looks like I did a bunch of sets. Rep 3 @ 225 barely got off my chest.
4 @ 135
4 @ 155
4 @ 175
4 @ 195
4 @ 205
4 @ 215
2 @ 225

supplemental lift weighted pushups: Who knows if these work, but anytime you add weight to something that is hard has to be helpful
15 @ 35
12 @ 45
10 @ 45

back lat superset:

bent over v bar row: the one where the barbell is jammed into a corner and you put the weights on one end and then row it
(3) 10 @ 60

delt flys:
(3) 10 @ 15

shoulders: here I did a bunch of different stuff all together
shoulder press: (1) 6 @ 55, (1) 10 @ 45
toss: (2) 6 @ thick bar

hammer curls:
(3) 10 @ 15

Friday, April 13, 2007

Weights: Thursday 4/12/7

pullups for max rep: I dont know why I stick to pull ups. I can't do enough to max rep them.
12 @ 20
11 @ 20
14 @ 40

bradford press:
10 @ 105
10 @ 105
10 @ 105

back/lat super set
staight arm pull downs:
10 @ 100
10 @ 100
10 @ 100

hammer row:
10 @ 90
10 @ 90
10 @ 90

bi's/tri's superset
preacher curls w/ thick bar:
10 @ 30
10 @ 30
10 @ 30

tri iso's
10 @ 20
10 @ 25
10 @ 25

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Weights: Wednesday 4/11/7

deadlift max effort: This went allright. I still get really tight in my lower back while doing it so because of that and my ankle I limited the weights.
5 @ 135
5 @ 185
5 @ 195
5 @ 205
5 @ 205

step ups: probably not the best for my ankle, but I wanted to do something.
(1) 8 @ 35 pound plates in hand with 1 foot step
(1) 8 @ 45 pound plates 1.5 ft step
(1) 8 @ 135lb bar 1.5 ft

reverse hypers on swiss ball:
(3) 10

neck/grip superset:
neck harness: left and right
(1) 10 @ level 5 i forget the weight
(2) 10 @ 7

timed plate pinch: I used a 10 and a 5 front to front and squeezed out in front till I had to drop.
(3) various times

Physical Therapy: Wednesday 4/11/7

When I was looking for a personal trainer I came across CJ Murphy of Total Perfomance Sports in Everett. I told him that I was looking to start training as soon as I finished PT for my achilles, which had been limiting my explosiveness since nationals in late October. He immediately recommended Dr. Brady who does active release treatment. I was already a week or two into my PT and I liked the place so I filed the info away. Three weeks ago with my achilles still limiting my explosiveness I called Dr. Brady's office to see what they were all about. The February 06 article is a good overview of what I heard at my first meeting with Dr. Brady. He thinks that due to a couple severe sprains of my left ankle scar tissue is limiting blood flow causing constant swelling and a lack of strength. He also thinks my achilles is in the 1st stage of 5 stages of degeneration, which sounds a lot worse than it is.

I went in for my first session with Dr. Brady and he had me do a calf stretch on the wall with my back (bad) leg straight. I was hindered by stiffness in the top of my ankle. He worked my calf and then kneaded the tissue right where my foot connects to my leg on top of the ankle and had me do it again. I had easily 10 more degrees of bend and I felt lighter than I had in a month. I am sold and in for 8 more sessions.

He is covered by most insurance companies as he is by mine so I only have to pay a $15 co pay and no this was not a paid advertisement.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

weights: Monday 4/9/7

My ankle is tight in a ligement way not a bone way and Im not doing anything, but weights till it gets better.

max effort lift incline barbell bench:
5 @ 115
5 @ 135
5 @ 165
4 @ 185
4 @ 195
3 @ 205

suplemental flat dumbbell bench (palms in): this is a scary excercise cause the only thing stopping the weight from crashing on your face are your thumbs.
10 @ 70
9 @ 70
9 @ 65

back/lat superset
bent over row to chest (thick bar)
(3) 10 @ 25

(1) 9 @ 35
(2) 10 @ 25

zottman curls: These things are killers and I ended up doing the second set real slow which destroyed rep potential.
(1) 16 @ 25
(1) 10 @ 25
(1) 16 @ 25

ab circuit: three exercises no rest between excercises, minimal (as soon as I thought I wouldn't die) rest between sets
20 bicycles ( hands behind head, elbow to right knee and then right elbow across to left knee)
20 decline crunches ( arms crossed on chest, 10 straight, 10 alternating side)
20 knees to chest

Friday, April 6, 2007

Weights: Thursday 4/5/7

3 sets of body weight dips for max reps: Its hard not to do the flat or incline bench for these max effort exercises because I know they would be a lot more efficient, but I want to do more strength exercises or functional strength and I think pullups and dips are better for that.
(1) 20
(1) 15
(1) 14

I finished the dips feeling like I hadn't worked myself enough and went to do some max reps on the bench at 115 and could barely push cause my tri's were so wasted. I did 10.

lat, upper back superset:
lat pull downs
(3) 10 @ 130

kneeling rope pulls to neck
(1) 10 @ 65
(2) 10 @ 75

standing shoulder presses" dumbbells
(2) 10 @ 45
(1) 5 @ 45
(1) 5 @ 35

thick bar preacher curls: I still dont know what the thick bar weighs so Ill just do plate weight
(3) 10 @ 30

decline skull crushers:
(1) 10 @ 40
(2) 10 @ 60

abs superset:
low pull ins - there's a leather strap that fits around your feet and hooks onto a low cable, you lay on your back and pull your knees to chest
(3) 15 @ 30

side plank
(2) 15 secs each side
(2) 20 secs each side

Weights: Wednesday 4/4/7

I was feeling sorry for myself cause my ankle area (I don't know what is wrong with me) really hurt, but for better or for worse I sucked it up and went to the gym for a max effort leg workout. I was pretty limited, which meant minimal unilateral exercise, which would have been lunges or step ups, so I did some body weight lunges on my injured left side and some easy 5o lb lunges on my right and even that hurt.

dynamic box squats: 50% of my one rep max (I cant figure out that acronym, but its not ORM...1RM, silly acronyms) 2 times within 2 seconds so there is some exploding going on.

I figured my 1rm was around 295, but it's probably more like 3 something. Half of 295 would be around 150, which would be two plates and two 10's, but I was getting nothing out of that so I went for 25's I think. 185.

(8) 2 @ 185

romanian deadlift

(1) 10 @ 90
(1) 10 @ 115
(1) 10 @ 135

blah, usefull I guess.

(1) 10 @ 110
(1) 10 @ 120
(1) 10 @ 130

(1) 10 @ 65
(2) 10 @ 75

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Weights: 4/2/7

I was all set to really get at the skinny bastard program and do every day as advertised, but that was before I uncrossed my legs from watching tv and my ankle felt like crap. At first it had a slept on it wrong type feeling, but when it hurt the next morning it seemed like it wasn’t just going away. It must have been something I did playing ultimate and mini on Sunday. So no speed stuff and maybe no legs tomorrow. I’m kind of bummed out.

chin ups (max effort weighted): I did my max effort wrong last week. It is supposed to be a steady build up till you can’t do 3-5 reps.
4 @ 0
4 @ 10
3 @ 15
3 @ 20
2 @ 25
2 @ 0

flat bench barbell:
10 @ 155
10 @ 155
9 @ 155


seated row:
(3) 10 @ 100

seated cleans: these were really hard and I don’t think I was doing them right, but after reading about them it sounds like people have trouble with them.
(3) 10 @ 35

flat cable curls:
(3) 10 @ 35

circuit training: 3 sets no rest between exercises or sets
(20) decline sit ups
(20) trunk rotations @ 65
(20) knees to chest

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Hill workout: Saturday 3/31/7

Worked on some hills today. It was a quick out and back straight up hill and then straight downhill with a 2 minute break between runs. I had the intention of doing a navy seal after every up and down, but I wimped out on that after the first one so I just did a navy seal after the 1st, 3rd, and 5th and then started my 2 minute rest. My navy seals consisted of:
20 regular pushups (elbows out)
20 crunches (hands on shoulders)
20 diamond pushups (chest to diamond)
20 straight leg bounce crunches (hands under butt)
20 wide arm pushups
20 knee to chest crunches

My times for the hills were pretty bad:

If you put it all together I ran 3.84 miles, did 180 pushups and 180 situps.