Sunday, April 1, 2007

Hill workout: Saturday 3/31/7

Worked on some hills today. It was a quick out and back straight up hill and then straight downhill with a 2 minute break between runs. I had the intention of doing a navy seal after every up and down, but I wimped out on that after the first one so I just did a navy seal after the 1st, 3rd, and 5th and then started my 2 minute rest. My navy seals consisted of:
20 regular pushups (elbows out)
20 crunches (hands on shoulders)
20 diamond pushups (chest to diamond)
20 straight leg bounce crunches (hands under butt)
20 wide arm pushups
20 knee to chest crunches

My times for the hills were pretty bad:

If you put it all together I ran 3.84 miles, did 180 pushups and 180 situps.


Ryan Todd said...

I wimped out on that after the first one


If you put it all together I ran 3.84 miles, did 180 pushups and 180 situps.

Well done Ben. Sounds pretty nasty.

Ben said...

I was worried cause I thought pushups were a very specific exercise and if I didn't do them (which I haven't been) I wouldn't be good at them, but my fears were not warrented and they were pretty easy.