Monday, April 23, 2007

Weights: Thursday 4/19/07

I got busy on Friday and couldn't write about this so I am not sure if I am going to remember all of it.

max reps pullups:
(2) 14 @ 45 assistance
(1) 13 @ 45 assistance

flat bench dumbbells: palms in
(3) 10 @ 65

lat/back superset:
lat pull downs: using the small row v handles do a lat pull down while trying to pry the v apart. It makes you engage a lot of different muscles and it also doesn't let you cheat and use to much of your arms.
(3) 10 @ 155

trap raises:
10 @ 155
9 @ 155
8 @ 155

shoulder rack lockout: in the cage set the safety bar so you can sit and the barbell rests right on the top of your head. Load the barbell up with way more than you can shoulder press and "lockout" the weight, bring it back down to the safety bars and do it again.
10 @ 135
10 @ 155
6 @ 175

bi/tri superset
standing curls: thick bar
10 @ 65
10 @ 75
10 @ 80

decline skull crushers: thick bar
10 @ 65
10 @ 75
10 @ 75

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