Thursday, May 31, 2007

Weights: Wednesday 5/30/7

soft tissue work and stretching

A1) floor press w/ thick bar: Lay on your back and bench from the floor. It works on sticking points and strength. I really need to work on getting my elbows in, which makes it a lot harder for me and is proper benching technique.
5 @ 180
5 @ 200
5 @ 200
4 @ 220
5 @ 210
5 @ 210

A2) chest supported row
6 @ 70
6 @ 80
6 @ 75
6 @ 75
6 @ 75
6 @ 75

B1) blast strap pushups
4 of 10

B2) seated row
10 @ 120
10 @ 125
10 @ 130
10 @ 130

C1) side lying external rotations
(3) 10 @ 10

C2) reverse cruches
(3) 15

D1: Paloff press
(3) 10 @ 70

I have to work tonight so I will unfortunately not get a track workout in before the Cazenovia tournament this weekend in NY, but I might sneak in an upper body on Friday.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

nutrition: Tuesday 5/29/7

What I am drinking: Surge

Sip half through my workout and then finish the rest upon completion. I am gonna try and create a mix for an ultimate weekend. It does much of the same that cytomax does except it seems to have a higher amino acid content and cytomax reportedly comes from a shady manufacturer.

Also. Want to know what to eat and drink during a tournament day?

jog: Tuesday 5/29/7

Started as a recovery run, but I picked it up the last .5

weights and plyos: Monday 5/28/7


one legged zig zag
(4) 6 box jumps


A1deadlift: using the trap bar (check out dudes shorts) which is so much nicer on the lowe back.
(1) 5 @ 225
(3) 5 @ 245
(2) 5 @ 265

B1 glute ham raises:
(2) 6
(1) 5
(1) 6

B2 femoris stretch

C1 walking lunges
(3) 8 @ 35

D1 swiss ball prone bridges: you put your forearms on the ball, not your feet
(3) 35 sec

D2 side bridge:
(3) 35 sec

weights: Sunday 5/28/7

A1 pullups
(3) 8 @ 5

A2 push press db:
(1) 8 @ 55
(2) 8 @ 60

B1 pronated row:
(1) 10 @ 120
(2) 10 @ 130

B2 incline press:
(3) 10 @ 65

C1 prone trap raises:
(1) 12 @ 5
(2) 12 @ 10

C2 reverse crunch
(3) 15

pallof press:
(3) 10 @ 70

Friday, May 25, 2007

weights: Thursday 5/24/7

Because everything is supersetted these days I'm gonna start grouping exercises by letter. Today I supersetted front squats with loaded calf stretch so front squats will be A1 and the calf stretch will be A2.

A1 Front squats: This is still a weird lift for me. I have to splay my feet out real wide and I feel like the bar fits between my delt on my left arm, but that there is a bone in the way in right.
(3) 8 @ 205

A2 loaded calf stretch and ankle mobilizations

B1 stationary reverse lunges
10 @ 30
12 @ 30 (I elevated my front foot a bit, bad move)
12 @ 25

C1 pull throughs: I need to get more weight on these. I saw a neat little trick. The cables only have 140 lbs worth of weight so you get an L-shaped pin, stick it in pointing up, and hang a 25 pounder on it.
12 @ 80
12 @ 110
12 @ 130

C2 femoris stretch

D1 side bridges
3 ea side @ 35 secs

D2 prone swiss ball bridges: I elevated my feet on the ball, which I think is right
3 @ 35 secs

Thursday, May 24, 2007

weights and plyos: Wednesday 5/24/7

soft tissue work

one foot zig zag hops
hurdle hops: (2) 6 with pause (2) 6 every other pause (2) 6 straight through

flat bench:
3 @ 135
3 @ 185
3 @ 205
3 @ 225
3 @ 225
2 @ 235

blaststrap pushups:
(2) 10 @ 29
(1) 10 @ 31

chest supported row pronated grip:
8 @ 75...supposed to do 4 reps
4 @ 55
4 @ 60
4 @ 65
4 @ 70

seated cable row neutral:
10 @ 110
10 @ 120
10 @ 120

reverse crunch:
(2) 12
(1) 15

external rotations
(3) 10 @ 7.5

pallof press
(3) 10 @ 7

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Weights and plyos: Monday 5/21/7

soft tissue work

high knee skips
high knee skips for speed
(6) of 5 hurdle hops emphasis on landing stiff but quiet
10 step x-band walks in each direction

deadlifts: I felt like it might be to much weight, but I wasn't gonna tell anyone especially while my lifting partner, a sophomore linebacker from Stonehill, was speed lifting the same weight. Really had to pull with my lower back, but I don't feel any where near as sore as I did when I did this weight a couple months ago.
(6) 4 @ (1 red, 1 blue we use the bumper weights, a little research tells me this is) 205

ankle mobilizations and seated hip stretch in between sets

glute ham raises: These things are awesome. (femoris stretch in between sets)
(3) 5

walking lunges:
(1) 7 @ 30 where I ran out of room
(3) 8 @ 30

side planks:
(3) @ 35 secs

(3) 10 @ 60

Monday, May 21, 2007

ultimate: Saturday 5/19/7 and Sunday 5/20/7

Playing with split squad X out of Boston. 5 wins and a loss to the other boston team. For now I'll keep this related to working out and won't get in to much ultimate stuff. Coming into game 1 day 1 my legs felt tired and sore, which is not exactly how you want to start a day off. The loosened up ocasionally, but it was hard to get to top speed and hold it. We'll see how that progresses through June and July. Ill consider it a tough fun track workout.

weights: Friday 5/18/7

pullups: they were supposed to be weighted, but they called for eight. I could of probably belted on a 2.5 lb'er just to say I did it, but whatever.
(3) 8 and the #8 on set 3 was barely a pul up.

push press: one armed and with a dumbell
(3) 8 @ 35

seated row: pronated grip
(3) 10 @ 110

incline db bench:
(3) 10 @ 45

prone trap raises: I need to get a ruling on if I did this correctly and then I'll get back.
(3) 10 @ 5

reverse crunches
(3) 10

Friday, May 18, 2007

Weights: Thursday 5/17/7

This was kind of stupid, but I want to stick to my schedule for a couple weeks. I left work at 5, was at the gym by 5:10, was out by 6:10, successfully arrived at summer league at 6:30 effectively costing my team the W with a drop and a throwaway at 6-5 and 6-6 and then sat for a point and they took half 6-8. Bummer.

front squats: I don't know how I am gonna increase the weight here cause it feels like the bar is crushing my chest/shoulders and not allowing me to breathe.
(3) 8 @ 185
(1) 8 @ 205

passive loaded calf stretch:
got on the calf raise machine, tossed on some weight and stretched em out, which I think was what I was supposed to do.

ankle mobilizations: each foot

reverse lunges:
(1) 16 -8 each foot- @ 20
(3) 16 @ 30

4 @ 120

rectus femoris stretch: it's a "take a knee" hip flexor stretch but instead of having your back foot on the ground you support it on a bench. Really digs in to the main quad muscle, which is the rectus femoris
4 @ 15 secs

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Weights: Tuesday 5/15/7

Soft tissue work with foam rollers, active warm ups and ankle mobilizations. The active warm ups aren't new although there were a few variations i hadn't been through that I would like to throw at a stretching group. Ankle mobilizations are interesting. Stand as close to you can to a wall. Bend one knee and try and touch it to the wall while keeping your heel on the ground. If you can do it move back a little bit and repeat. Keep moving back until you can't complete the stretch.

bench: my form wasn't bad. I was told to bring my elbows forward a little, bring my feet back and push through my heels for some extra power.
4 @ 135
4 @ 165
4 @ 195
4 @ 205
4 @ 205
4 @ 205

chest supported row:
5 @ 55
5 @ 55
5 @ 55
5 @ 55

blast strap pushups: I have been looking forward to doing these. First set was bad cause I was trying to find the correct range of motion and therefore flailing all over the place. Here is a long overly scientfic article on shoulder health and pushup variations under which the blast strap falls.
10 @ 29 (the peg number of the cage the handles hung at)
10 @ 29
10 @ 29

rows with thick handle:
10 @ 120
10 @ 120
10 @ 100

lying external rotations:
(3) 6 (each side) @ 5

reverse crunch: awesome crunch that will take the place of my 2nd crunch in any navy seal I do.
This is more or less how I did it except my feet were kept by my butt the whole time and my elbows were pointed at the sky as a point of reference to where my knees should be going.
(3) 10

Pallov's: this was called core cable pushout yesterday, but it looks like they have a name for it.
(3) 10 ( each side) @ 6

10 minute walk uphill

My plan for the rest of the week is:

Wednesday - throwing
Thursday - get on the track then summer league
Friday - upperbody
Sat - WMO
Sun - WMO

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Weights: Monday 5/14/7

First day at excel fitness with Eric Cressey. He loves his soft tissue work so 10 minutes on the foam rollers getting after quad, hams, glutes, calves, IT bands, thorasic extensions, and shoulders.

Right into deadlifts. Last week he said he wanted to video tape me so he could show people how not to do it. I didn't have my shins touching the bar. My butt was way to low upon initiating the lift. I was arching my back at the end like I thought I saw the strongmen do it instead of tightening my glutes and "humping" the bar. By the 3rd set I was doing it more or less correctly. We use these and a platform so you can just drop them. A little nerve racking at first. Six sets of four working primarily on form and speed.
(3) 4 @ 145
(3) 4 @ 185

glute ham raises: Oh dear. These are devastating the first time. It feels like your hamstrings are gonna rip on the way down and then pulling back up you get stuck at a little less than upright and have to power through with your glutes. Im gonna feel these tomorrow.

walking lunges: concentrate on reaching out far and pulling your body along with your hamstrings instead of letting your quad push you up.
(4) 12 steps @ 25

side planks:
3 @ 30 secs

core cable pushouts: step out with a cable, positioned at chest height, clutched to your chest with both hands and turn 90 degrees so the cable wants to turn you back to straight. Slowly extend the cable out by straightening your arms and then bring it back to your chest while you prevent rotating by keeping your abs and obliques tight, then turn 180 degrees and do the other side.
(2) 10 @ 25
(1) 10 @ 30

foot supported hip stretch: it's a hip flexor stretch but instead of having your back foot on the floor you have it elevated on a bench. The more acute you make the angle your back knee makes with the bench the more quad you strech the more op- not acute, the more hip flexor you work.

Monday, May 14, 2007

track: Sunday 5/13/7

Next step in ankle/achilles fitness:

1/2 mile warm up
1 mile of running the straights and jogging the turns. I felt suprsisingly good after not having done much (well I guess my stadiums count) since my hill run more than a month ago.

(6) 25 yard shuttle runs

I feel pretty good today (5/14) and am heading to my first training session with Eric Cressey, which I will report upon tomorrow.

Friday, May 11, 2007

summer league: Thursday 5/10/7

Really wanted to see where I was at with my ankle. Still can't jump and some cuts hurt, but as in I feel pretty limited. Trying to keep my hopes up.

Shuttle runs and a navy seal afterwards.


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Stairs: Tuesday 5/8/7

Probably the worst thing for an achilles or maybe the best thing for strengthening it? You decide, or I will by not taxing it and taking the time to feel out this work...out.

Harvard stadiums:

3 big, 1 small

4 big, 1 small

2 big, 2 small

2 big, 1 small

My legs were shaking after this and I realized I have a way to go to get in shape.

I worked on cutting a little bit afterwards and found that I have to get lower in and out of my cuts to release the tension on my ankle.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

weights: Monday 5/7/7

I missed my max rep workout last week, but I want to keep my rotation going, which wont happen cause I had to push my max effort leg to Friday of last week. I think Ill go dynamic leg Tuesday and go abck to max effrot leg next Tue.

Max Effort bench: I felt weak right from the start. I didn't improve at all which sucks, but tje 215 set was easy enough leading me to believe I had the 225 set in the bag. Not so much. 1 rep unassisted, 2nd lots of assistance.
5 @ 135
5 @ 155
5 @ 175
5 @ 195
5 @ 205
4 @ 215
1 @ 225

supine pull overs:
10 @ 25
10 @ 35
10 @ 35

10 @ 10
10 @ 15

bent over rows: thick bar
(3) 10 @ 135

front raises: dumbbells
(3) 10 @ 15

shoulder press lock outs:
(3) 9 @ 155

ab circuit

Monday, May 7, 2007


I always have to spell "ultimate" out so I don't write goaltamite, which I would actually prefer.

About a half hour of goaltimate. It was fun and a good way to test my recovery. The ankle felt allright. I think I'm done with laying off it and now I am just gonna play through whatever I have to and strengthen it.

Weights: Friday 5/3/7

max effort squat:
5 @ 225
5 @ 245
5 @ 265
5 @ 285
4 @ 305
4 @ 315 (3 plates!) I was worried that I wasn't getting good depth on my last set so I got someone to spot me, took it down pretty low on the 1st 3 and then definitely below 90 on my 4th. It was a struggle to get that weight up, but with a little help I did it before I blew a blood vessel.

box depths: standing on the edge of a box touch your toe to the ground in front of you and come back up
(3) 0f 10

split squats:
(3) 8 @ 35

deadlift lockouts:
(2) 5 @ 225

reverse hypers:
(3) 10

Friday, May 4, 2007

Agility: Thursday 5/3/7

Ladder workout. Lots of different steps. I messed up 90% of the time.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Weights: Wednesday 5/2/7

Late jump on the week because of a crazy travel day(s) and work on Tuesday. I also did some light dynamic workouts and played some reserved endzone points last night. My stopping time is bad as is my turning radius, but it felt good to be out there.

max effort pull ups: wow. i really bumped this one up from a couple weeks ago
5 @ 0
5 @ 10
4 @ 15
4 @ 20
4 @ 25
2 @ 30
3 @ 25

incline bench dumbbells:
10 @ 60
10 @ 65
10 @ 65

supine pullups - I don't think I did these right last time cause these were brutal
(3) 10

dumbbell hanging cleans:
(2) 10 @ 40
(1) 8 @ 40

seated shoulder press: this felt good and was the most weight ive done so far
(3) 10 @ 115

zottman curls: I'll put the weight down, but it really just depends on how slow you lower the weight.
8 @ 25
8 @ 25
10 @ 15

twisties with med ball threw my back out of whack.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

weights: Friday 4/27/7

From my grandparents retirement community gym, which wasn't that bad.

flat bench w dumbbells:
(3) 15 @ 60

shoulder press w dumbbells:
(3) 10 @ 40

superset: I dont remember what these weights were cause I was frusterated by the lack of barbells and the quality of the rowing machine, but it was:
seated row and row to chin.

superset abs:
knee raises
side bends
