Monday, May 21, 2007

weights: Friday 5/18/7

pullups: they were supposed to be weighted, but they called for eight. I could of probably belted on a 2.5 lb'er just to say I did it, but whatever.
(3) 8 and the #8 on set 3 was barely a pul up.

push press: one armed and with a dumbell
(3) 8 @ 35

seated row: pronated grip
(3) 10 @ 110

incline db bench:
(3) 10 @ 45

prone trap raises: I need to get a ruling on if I did this correctly and then I'll get back.
(3) 10 @ 5

reverse crunches
(3) 10


andrewsaltz said...

What is your reason for using supersets? Save time?

Ben said...

It is a huge time saver, but for real I am only doing it cause it said so in the workout programs that I am following. Here is what I got off of which has pretty much anything you'd ever need to know on lifing:

Benefits of supersets are:
Saves Time - pretty big plus
Increases heart rate - helps with VO2 Max and fat loss
Builds endurance
Can give a nice pump to a specific area of the body (ie arms)

Negatives of supersets are:
Decreases strength - somebody mentioned that supersets (antagonistic sets) increase performance, that is not correct. The specific fatigue effect of doing two exercises together instead of one outweighs any potential benefit. I have never seen anyone, ever, do a bunch of heavy rows in between their bench press attempts at a PL meet, of course they would if it would help them. This is why supersets are not that popular with strength athletes like powerlifters or olympic lifters.

andrewsaltz said...

Do you rest between sets? How do you break up your workout? Do you feel like you are back in that car with Sora and Willis?

Ben said...

I think you are supposed to rest 90 secs between every set of the superset, but I am not sure. I just saddle up after a drink of water and a brief sit on the nearest bench. The db push presses and the pull up superset were right up there with the 8 hour car ride. I was actually thinking about it the other day. "What's your favorite pet?"